Twitter users shared their best zingers.
Twitter users have been spreading laughter around the social networking website as National Tell a Joke Day trended.
The national day falls annually in the United States on August 16, however social media has got people from around the world involved, sharing puns and one-liners with their followers.
Here are the top 10 best gags from social media users this National Tell a Joke Day.
1. This Twitter user posted an onion-themed joke.
An onion just told me a joke.I don't know whether to laugh or cry.#NationalTellAJokeDay
— Gyles Brandreth (@GylesB1) August 16, 2019
2. This joke could be told in an art gallery.
Vincent Van Gogh walks into a bar, The barman says "Do you want a beer? Van Gogh says " No thanks I've got one ear"#NationalTellAJokeDay
— Jenny ☀️ (@bluebox99) August 16, 2019
3. This trippy joke.
Tomorrow is #NationalTellAJokeDay so in preparation, here is a #dadjoke :
"I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day!"
— Brad Pridgeon (@bpridgeo) August 15, 2019
4. You might need to say this joke out loud.
#NationalTellAJokeDay – where is Jaws's favourite place in the UK?
— John Saleh Price (@JSPrice_media) August 16, 2019
5. The British Science Association joined in on the fun.
#NationalTellAJokeDay: science-themed 🧪 a thread 👇
One tectonic plate bumped into another and said, "sorry, my fault"
— British Science Association (@BritSciAssoc) August 16, 2019
6. This dark but relatable gag.
#NationalTellAJokeDay = my bank balance
— Missguided (@Missguided) August 16, 2019
7. Tell this one to a board game lover.
Yesterday I saw a guy spill all his Scrabble letters on the road.
I asked him, “What’s the word on the street?”
— My Fashion Sales (@myfashionsales) August 16, 2019
8. Get a dictionary out for this one…
A wife is sitting at her husband’s funeral. A man leans in and asks, “Do you mind if I say a word?” “No, go right ahead”, the woman replies. The man stands, clears his throat, says “Plethora”, and sits back down. “Thanks”, the woman says, “that means a lot” #NationalTellAJokeDay
— Helen G (@HLPGRich) August 16, 2019
9. Every good joke needs a pun.
What kind of dinosaur writes romance novels?
A Brontësaurus.#NationalTellAJokeDay
— Broadhursts Bookshop (@BroadhurstBooks) August 16, 2019
10. Lastly, this Adele-themed joke.
Why did Adele cross the road? So she could say Hello from the other side 😀#NationalTellAJokeDay
— Larchigirl (@Larchigirl) August 16, 2019