Chief Executive John Lee said that he attaches great importance to the fire that broke out this morning at the New Lucky House in Jordan and has instructed relevant departments to follow up on the incident.

Souce: HKSAR Government Press Releases
He made the statement after visiting some of the people who were injured in the blaze at Queen Elizabeth Hospital this afternoon, adding that he has called on the Hospital Authority to make every effort to treat all of the injured.

Souce: HKSAR Government Press Releases
The Chief Executive has also instructed the relevant departments, including Police and the Fire Services Department, to investigate the cause of the fire.
In terms of assisting people affected by the fire, Mr Lee said Henry G. Leong Yaumatei Community Centre has been opened as a temporary shelter and District Services & Community Care Teams have been sent to render support for people in need.

While the Home Affairs Department has opened an additional temporary shelter at the Nam Cheong District Community Centre for residents who need it.
Additionally, Mr Lee stressed that emergency services departments in Hong Kong are committed to responding promptly, effectively and with the utmost professionalism.

“First of all, in respect of our response to fire incidents, I believe the departments, including the Fire Services Department and the supporting departments, are all very professional. They are very good at providing an immediate response and taking rescue actions.

“In respect of general fire safety, we have a system ensuring aged buildings when their safety standard needs to be upgraded, there is a system for the Fire Services Department to demand extra installations for fire safety, and that is done through directions, and of course, there will be penalties for those who do not comply with the directions.

“In regard to ensuring fire safety, there are regular inspection visits by the Fire Services Department and by the Buildings Department as well.”