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Government to step up enforcement and support for buildings not complying with fire safety directions


Government to step up enforcement and support for buildings not complying with fire safety directions


Government to step up enforcement and support for buildings not complying with fire safety directions

2024-05-21 19:15 Last Updated At:05-22 01:23

Government cracks down on non-compliant buildings with enhanced fire safety enforcement and support

A Government spokesman said today (May 21) that the Government continues to follow up on the fire incident at New Lucky House and the non-compliance issues with the Fire Safety Directions (Directions) revealed therein. Overall, the Government will provide active support to building owners who are willing to comply with the Directions and will assist them to complete the fire safety improvement works as soon as possible. If owners ignore the Directions or make poor progress without reasonable excuse, the Fire Services Department (FSD) and the Buildings Department (BD) will initiate procedures for instigating prosecution.

The Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (Cap. 572) (the Ordinance) stipulates that composite and domestic buildings constructed on or before March 1, 1987, or with building plans first submitted to the BD for approval on or before that day, must be enhanced to meet modern fire protection requirements. The FSD and the BD are responsible for enforcing the Ordinance (Note), including issuing Directions to owners and/or occupiers specifying the fire safety improvement works required to be carried out. Directions issued by the FSD focus on fire service installations and equipment including a fire hydrant/hose reel system and a sprinkler system, while Directions issued by the BD focus on building construction including a fire-rated door and a fixed light of fire escape.

Although the buildings subject to the control of the Ordinance were constructed in accordance with applicable construction and fire safety standards prevailing at the time they were built, and these buildings may not be subject to imminent fire risks, the objective of the Ordinance is to enhance the fire safety standards of targeted old buildings, so as to provide better protection for residents and users.

The Government will step up its efforts to follow up to ensure owners and/or occupiers comply with the Directions as soon as possible. The Security Bureau (SB) and the FSD have joined the collaboration platform on building inspection and maintenance set up last year by the Development Bureau (DEVB). Other members include the DEVB, the BD, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) and the Urban Renewal Authority (URA). The collaboration platform has formulated strategies against the non-compliance of Directions. Major actions are set out below:

Stepping up prosecution

At present, there are about 9 000 buildings with expired Directions and which have not yet complied with Directions. Excluding some thousands of buildings which have applied for government subsidies as mentioned in the following paragraph, the two departments will prioritise handling of over 2 000 buildings without active progress from the remaining buildings that have not yet complied with the Directions. The prioritisation mainly takes into account factors such as those with a higher building age (e.g. the BD will focus on handling buildings aged 50 years or above), those without fire service installations and equipment, buildings with a single-staircase design, buildings with more guest houses or unauthorised subdivided flats, or with large scale illegal structures (e.g. unauthorised rooftop structures), etc. For these 2 000-plus buildings, the BD and the FSD, upon the issuance of warning letters or the expiry of the Directions respectively, will instigate prosecutions against owners of buildings lacking progress without reasonable excuse starting from the second quarter of this year. The two departments, together with the HAD, will offer assistance to owners as needed, such as deploying staff to attend meetings of owners' corporations and explaining the requirements of the Ordinance, as well as proactively liaising with the project consultants or registered fire service installation contractors engaged by the owners to offer appropriate assistance and advice.

Strengthening support for subsidised buildings

Under the $5.5 billion Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme funded by the Government and implemented by the URA, a total of about 3 000 applications have been issued with Approval-in-Principle Letters in the first two rounds. The URA is processing around 1 300 applications received in the third round that meet the basic requirements, and will start issuing Approval-in-Principle Letters to applicants starting from the end of this month. The URA will continue to support the subsidised buildings and strengthen monitoring of their fire safety improvement works progress, including urging building owners who have not yet appointed consultants to expedite the course of actions, tightening the applications for deadline extensions for those lacking progress without a reasonable excuse, and revoking the approval of subsidies for cases that fail to meet the progress requirements despite reminders.

Enhancing public education

The FSD and the BD will hold district briefings through the Central Platform on Building Management of the district offices regularly to explain the details of compliance with the Directions. The HAD will proactively invite the owners' corporations and owners who have not yet complied with the Directions to attend the briefings, with the FSD and the BD setting up dedicated counters to provide face-to-face advice and assistance to building owners. A briefing in Tsuen Wan District will be held this Thursday (May 23). Information on future district briefings is available on the HAD's website (

Government's continuous and multifaceted support

The Government will closely monitor the progress and effectiveness of the abovementioned actions, while keeping under review the strategies for follow-up work. Meanwhile, the Government will continue to adopt a multipronged approach to improve fire safety standards. The FSD Building Improvement Support Centre, established in December last year, provides one-stop support services to owners and occupiers of old buildings for complying with the requirements of the Ordinance. Targeted information and assistance are available for owners and occupiers from the receipt of the Directions to the completion of works and compliance with the Ordinance. Owners and occupiers may call 2272 9112 or visit the FSD Building Improvement Support Centre for enquiries about compliance with the Directions. Details are available on the FSD's website (

Expediting amendment of the Ordinance

In order to further enhance the fire safety standards of old buildings, the SB is expediting the relevant work on amending the Ordinance to empower the FSD and the BD to carry out fire safety improvement works for owners who have failed to comply with the requirements of the Ordinance, and to recover the relevant fees from them upon completion of the defaulted works. The Government will step up its efforts in taking forward the relevant work and will strive to submit the proposed amendment bill to the Legislative Council for scrutiny in July.

The Government reminds private building owners to make repairs in a timely manner and properly maintain their building. It is the owner's responsibility to carry out necessary fire safety improvement works in accordance with the requirements under the Ordinance, so as to enhance the fire safety standards of the buildings.

Note: The FSD and the BD will each issue Directions to owners and/or occupiers according to the fire safety measures of the buildings regulated under the Ordinance, specifying the requirements on fire safety measures.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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Hong Kong Embraces Sustainable Finance at HKQAA 35th Anniversary Forum

2024-10-18 11:25 Last Updated At:11:38

SFST's speech at HKQAA 35th Anniversary Forum

Following is the speech by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, at the HKQAA 35th Anniversary Forum today (October 18):

Chairman Ho (Chairman of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency, Mr Ho Chi-shing), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon. It is my great pleasure to join you today as we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA). First, let me extend my warmest congratulations to the HKQAA on this remarkable milestone, and my sincere thanks for the invitation to speak at today's forum.

Today's topic - Sustainable Finance, ESG, and Climate Resilience - could not be more timely or critical, as it highlights the directions we must take to secure the future of not just our economy and financial markets, but our society and planet. I would like to focus on Hong Kong's role and achievements in this area, which I believe can be summed up by a three-A framework: accessibility to capital, availability of opportunity, and accountability to global standards.

Accessibility to capital

Sustainable finance is not just a passing trend. It represents a transformative movement, aligning financial systems with the larger goals of sustainable, inclusive growth. Hong Kong has embraced this vision, emerging as a leading international hub for green finance. In 2023 alone, the total issuance of green and sustainable debt in Hong Kong exceeded US$50 billion, including both bonds and loans, with green and sustainable bonds arranged here accounting for 37 per cent of all such bonds issued across Asia.

This growing accessibility to green capital is not just about numbers. It shows that Hong Kong is well-positioned to channel investments into projects that positively impact the environment and society. We are actively working to expand our green investment product offerings and attract more international issuers to use Hong Kong's green financing market.

By June of this year, the Securities and Futures Commission had authorised over 230 ESG (environmental, social and governance) funds, with total assets under management exceeding HK$1.3 trillion. This represents year-on-year growth of 19 per cent in the number of funds and 8 per cent in assets under management. These investments are not only generating financial returns for investors but also contributing to the well-being of our communities, proving that profitability and purpose can indeed go hand in hand.

Availability of opportunity

As we look to the future, it is vital that we continue to unlock new investment opportunities and encourage innovation in green and sustainable finance. Collaboration across sectors - between government, businesses, and the community - is essential in driving this progress.

One recent example of innovation is Core Climate, a marketplace launched by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) in 2022. Core Climate connects capital with climate-related products and opportunities across Hong Kong, Mainland China, Asia, and beyond. In August this year, the HKEX further enhanced this platform by introducing Gold Standard's Verified Emission Reductions, offering users a seamless, integrated experience.

Hong Kong has also demonstrated its leadership in combining the bond market, green finance, and fintech. In February this year, we successfully issued HK$6 billion worth of tokenised green bonds, denominated in multiple currencies - Hong Kong dollar, Renminbi, US dollar, and euro. This marks our second tokenised bond issuance, following the first in February 2022, and is the world's first multi-currency digitally native green bond.

The success of these initiatives reflects the strength of Hong Kong's green fintech ecosystem, which continues to evolve. By leveraging new technologies, we can amplify efforts to support sustainable development, not only in our local community but across the entire region.

Accountability to global standards

As a global green finance hub, Hong Kong recognises the importance of maintaining accountability and transparency in sustainability efforts. This is why aligning with international standards, notably as the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), is a key priority. We are committed to ensuring that our local sustainability disclosure requirements are aligned with the ISSB Standards, which will significantly enhance Hong Kong's competitiveness in the global sustainable finance arena.

By adopting these internationally recognised standards, we will strengthen our position as a trusted green finance hub while also improving the resilience of our local communities. This alignment will not only foster greater investor confidence but also ensure that our financial sector is well-equipped to meet the challenges of an increasingly sustainability-driven world.

HKQAA's contributions

I would also like to take this opportunity to commend the HKQAA for its significant contributions to Hong Kong's sustainable finance journey. Over the past 35 years, the HKQAA has been a steadfast partner, providing critical quality assurance and helping to uphold rigorous standards for green and sustainable finance. Since the launch of the Government Green Bond Programme in 2019, the HKQAA has played a pivotal role by providing external reviews for each bond issuance, ensuring the credibility and integrity of these instruments.

In addition, the HKQAA has introduced a number of certification schemes, further enhancing stakeholder confidence in green finance products. Their dedication to upholding high standards has been instrumental in positioning Hong Kong as a global leader in this space. Looking ahead, we will continue to count on the HKQAA's expertise as we strive to meet the evolving challenges of sustainable development.


In closing, I would like to emphasise that the future of finance is sustainable finance. As we work towards building a more resilient and sustainable future for Hong Kong and beyond, we must remain committed to the principles of ESG and climate resilience.

Thank you for your attention and your unwavering commitment to sustainable development. Together, we can create a brighter, greener future for generations to come.

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