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Biden's 2 steps on immigration could reframe how US voters see a major political problem for him


Biden's 2 steps on immigration could reframe how US voters see a major political problem for him


Biden's 2 steps on immigration could reframe how US voters see a major political problem for him

2024-06-22 01:29 Last Updated At:01:30

TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden has imposed significant restrictions on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. while also offering potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people without legal status already living in the country.

The tandem actions — the first to help immigrants illegally in the U.S., the second to prevent others from entering at the border — give the president a chance to address one of the biggest vulnerabilities for his reelection campaign.

Americans give Biden poor marks for his handling of immigration and favor the approach of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, whose administration imposed hardline policies such as separating immigrant families and who now has proposed the largest deportation operation in U.S. history if elected again.

While the White House said its most recent actions aren't meant to counterbalance each other, the election-year policy changes offer something both for voters who think border enforcement is too lenient and for those who support helping immigrants who live in the U.S. illegally. They echo the White House's overall approach since Biden took office, using a mix of policies to restrict illegal immigration and offer help to people already in the country.

Trump and top Republicans have ripped Biden for record-high numbers of encounters at the border, with some suggesting without evidence that Biden is abetting a so-called “invasion” to affect the election. Tightening asylum rules as Biden did could reduce border crossings.

Helping people long established in the country obtain citizenship, meanwhile, might defuse criticism of immigration advocates and liberal parts of Biden's Democratic coalition who opposed the new border restrictions unveiled earlier this month.

An Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll conducted in March found that only about 3 in 10 Americans approved of Biden’s handling of immigration. A similar share approved of his handling of border security. In the same poll, about half of U.S. adults said that Biden is extremely or very responsible for the current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border, compared to about one-third who said Trump was extremely or very responsible.

Biden's latest action was endorsed by Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York, a moderate Democrat who won a special election in February to replace expelled former Republican Rep. George Santos. Suozzi's race centered heavily on immigration and New York City’s struggles to accommodate thousands of immigrants bused there from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Suozzi described first being elected mayor of Glen Cove, New York, in 1994 and helping organize centers to assist groups of immigrants waiting on street corners for day-laborer jobs, which he said still informs how he sees the issue.

“The reality is, those same guys that were on the street corners in 1994, today own their own businesses, own their own homes and their kids went to school with my kids,” Suozzi said on a call with reporters. “We’ve got to take action. People are sick of this.”

Van Callaway, a hairstylist from Mesa, Arizona, who voted for Biden four years ago, was disappointed to hear the president was making it harder to claim asylum. But they were also skeptical that the president's plan to help legalize spouses who are married to U.S. citizens could come to fruition.

“I wish that it was an easier process so people who need to be here could be here,” said Callaway, 29. “And I wish that there was more love and acceptance about it. And more empathy. I feel like if there was a lot empathy on immigration as a whole, the world would be a lot better.”

The Department of Homeland Security estimates that around 500,000 spouses of U.S. citizens will be protected under Biden's latest action, as will 50,000 children of a noncitizen parent. The White House said those benefiting have been in the U.S. for an average of 23 years.

That won’t be the case for most of the new arrivals to the U.S.-Mexico border who find themselves unable to apply because of Biden’s other executive action. The White House notes, however, that it has taken several other actions to make it easier for new immigrants to enter the country.

With congressional Republicans “refusing to address our broken immigration system,” the administration “has taken action to secure our border and to keep American families together in the United States,” said Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House spokesman.

That includes creating a program last year allowing people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to come to the U.S. if they have a financial sponsor, pass a background check and fly into a U.S. airport — which nearly 435,000 people had used by the end of April. The administration also expanded H-2 temporary work visa programs, and established processing centers away from the U.S. border, in countries including Guatemala and Columbia.

Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson nonetheless accused Biden of “trying to play both sides.”

And Trump dismissed Biden’s action on asylum as “all for show,” suggesting the president is “giving mass amnesty and citizenship to hundreds of thousands of illegals who he knows will ultimately vote for him.”

Callaway said deciding whom to vote for this year will be excruciating, “a real hard conundrum.” They’re worried about Trump’s second-term agenda but also furious about Biden’s approach to Israel's war in Gaza, and not excited to support a third-party candidate who probably can’t win. More harsh border policies would be another knock against Biden, they said.

“They’ll tell you what you want to hear, but they’re not often going to follow through on it,” Callaway said. “It feels like the things they follow through on are fueled by prejudice and this weird sense of victimhood."


Weissert reported from Washington.

FILE - Migrants seeking asylum line up while waiting to be processed after crossing the border June 5, 2024, in San Diego, Calif. Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden has imposed significant restrictions on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and then offered potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people without legal status already living in the country. The two actions in tandem gives the president a chance to address one of the biggest vulnerabilities for his reelection campaign. (AP Photo/Eugene Garcia, File)

FILE - Migrants seeking asylum line up while waiting to be processed after crossing the border June 5, 2024, in San Diego, Calif. Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden has imposed significant restrictions on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and then offered potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people without legal status already living in the country. The two actions in tandem gives the president a chance to address one of the biggest vulnerabilities for his reelection campaign. (AP Photo/Eugene Garcia, File)

FILE - President Joe Biden talks with the U.S. Border Patrol and local officials, as he looks over the southern border, Feb. 29, 2024, in Brownsville, Texas, along the Rio Grande. Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden has imposed significant restrictions on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and then offered potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people without legal status already living in the country. The two actions in tandem gives the president a chance to address one of the biggest vulnerabilities for his reelection campaign. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

FILE - President Joe Biden talks with the U.S. Border Patrol and local officials, as he looks over the southern border, Feb. 29, 2024, in Brownsville, Texas, along the Rio Grande. Over the course of two weeks, President Joe Biden has imposed significant restrictions on immigrants seeking asylum in the U.S. and then offered potential citizenship to hundreds of thousands of people without legal status already living in the country. The two actions in tandem gives the president a chance to address one of the biggest vulnerabilities for his reelection campaign. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

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US sanctions Boeing for sharing information about 737 Max 9 investigation

2024-06-27 20:27 Last Updated At:20:30

Boeing is being sanctioned by U.S. investigators for sharing information about a federal investigation of a door plug blowout that left a gaping hole in a Boeing 737 Max 9.

The National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday that Boeing “blatantly violated” the agency's investigative regulations as well as a signed agreement by providing non-public investigative information to the media and speculating about possible causes of the Jan. 5 door plug blowout on a Boeing passenger jet in Portland, Oregon.

During the incident, a panel that plugged a space left for an extra emergency door blew off an Alaska Airlines Max 9. Pilots were able to land safely, and there were no injuries.

The NTSB said that on Tuesday during a media briefing, a Boeing executive provided non-public investigative information to the media about the Alaska Airlines incident that the agency had not verified or authorized for release. The NTSB said that Boeing portrayed the NTSB's investigation as a search to find the individual responsible for the door plug work, but the agency said it's focused on the probable cause of the accident, not placing blame on any individual or assessing liability.

Boeing did not immediately respond to a request for comment early Thursday. Shares of The Boeing Co., based in Arlington, Virginia, were flat before the opening bell.

The NTSB said that given its recent actions, Boeing won't have access to investigative information the agency produces about the Alaska Airlines incident, but it will keep its party status to the investigation.

The NTSB is unable to fine Boeing, as it doesn't have enforcement authority. While the agency could have stripped away Boeing's party status, the NTSB may have considered it more important to keep Boeing as a party to the investigation because of its employees’ expertise.

The NTSB said that it may subpoena any relevant records it requires during the course of the investigation. It also will subpoena Boeing to appear at an investigative hearing in Washington D.C. on Aug. 6 and 7. The agency said that, unlike other parties, Boeing won't be able to ask questions of other participants.

The NTSB said that it will coordinate with the Department of Justice's Fraud Division, giving them information about Boeing’s recent unauthorized investigative information releases related to the 737 Max 9 door plug investigation.

In May the Justice Department told a federal judge that Boeing had violated a settlement that allowed the company to avoid criminal prosecution after two deadly crashes involving its 737 Max aircraft.

After Max jets crashed in 2018 in Indonesia and 2019 in Ethiopia, killing 346 people, the FAA and other regulators grounded the aircraft worldwide for more than a year and a half.

It is now up to the Justice Department to decide whether to file charges against Boeing. Prosecutors will tell the court no later than July 7 how they plan to proceed, the department said in May.

Boeing has been under intense scrutiny of late. Earlier this month, CEO David Calhoun defended the company’s safety record during a contentious Senate hearing, while lawmakers accused him of placing profits over safety, failing to protect whistleblowers, and even getting paid too much.

There has been pressure on Calhoun to resign immediately, but he has no plans to do so. Calhoun previously announced that he will step down by the end of 2024.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., center, visits with family members of victims of Boeing plane crashes after a Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., center, visits with family members of victims of Boeing plane crashes after a Senate Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

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