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70 American students immerse in Chinese culture at Flying Tigers Youth Summer Camp




70 American students immerse in Chinese culture at Flying Tigers Youth Summer Camp

2024-06-28 21:13 Last Updated At:22:27

Seventy American students and teachers arrived in Beijing Wednesday to embark on a unique summer camp, one that aims to bridge the cultural gap between the U.S. and China

The 10-day summer camp is named after the Flying Tigers, a group of American pilots who traveled to China during World War II to help protect Chinese cities and people by confronting Japanese aggression in the skies.

Some students a the camp were fully immersed in crafting traditional crafts such as bamboo flutes and fragrance pouches, eager to discover the essence of Chinese culture. Meanwhile, other students weren't entirely sure what to expect, but embraced the opportunity for a completely new experience.

"I was a bit nervous, just because it's a new country that I've never been to before, so I wasn't very familiar with the people. But something that I've been very impressed with is just how friendly everyone is, how nice everyone is. It just amazes me," 17-year-old U.S. student Marco Javier Yerena told CGTN.

Organizers of the summer camp say remembering that slice of history is key to promoting friendship between the Chinese and American people.

"When those Americans turned back the Japanese that day, they created a legacy. They created a shared Chinese and American legacy that exists today. And you guys today, you are here, you are carrying on that legacy," said Jeffrey Greene, chairman of Sino-American Aviation Heritage Foundation.

An official with China's Ministry of Education emphasized that people-to-people exchanges are at the heart of fostering strong ties between the two countries.

"I also hope you will be able to meet and make friends with many of your Chinese peers through this trip, as you have just had many interesting exchanges and interactions with students from Beijing Bayi School," said Jing Wei, deputy director of the Center for Language Education and Cooperation under the Chinese Ministry of Education.

The summer camp in China offers a learning experience rooted not only in the past, but also the future.

"The 5-D glasses, those were awesome. That other people can see me, my point of view. Like the super tall student over there, he can see what he looks like to me. And I can see what I look like to him. Just seeing different people's points of view, that's awesome," said Peyton Hanna Foster, a 14-year-old US student.

Some students believe the camp fosters a connection between American students and their Chinese peers, despite their different backgrounds.

"This program is very important, just because we students are the future, we're the foundation to our current society. So, being here really gives us a different perspective, it opens our eyes," said Yerena.

The bravery and teamwork of the Flying Tigers are still remembered today as a symbol of cooperation and collaboration between the two countries. It showed that Americans and Chinese could work together and help each other.

70 American students immerse in Chinese culture at Flying Tigers Youth Summer Camp

70 American students immerse in Chinese culture at Flying Tigers Youth Summer Camp

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CMG program screening launched in Kazakhstan

2024-07-01 05:37 Last Updated At:06:17

The screening of a select batch of highly rated programs produced by the China Media Group (CGM) was launched in Astana, Kazakhstan, on Sunday.

More than 10 top-quality documentaries and feature films on China's development, the ancient Silk Road, Chinese cultural heritage, and other topics will be screened. They will be broadcast by mainstream media outlets in Kazakhstan, such as the Silk Way TV Channel and the Atameken Business Channel.

The activity comes ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping's scheduled attendance at the 24th Meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Astana and the upcoming state visit to Kazakhstan later this week.

CMG President Shen Haixiong, Raushan Kazhibayeva, director-general of the TV and Radio Complex of the President of Kazakhstan, and Chinese Ambassador to Kazakhstan Zhang Xiao delivered video messages to the screening launch.

In his message, Shen said that CMG has remained committed to promoting cultural exchanges and people-to-people friendship between China and Kazakhstan and is ready to deepen practical cooperation with Kazakh media counterparts to contribute to the advancement of bilateral relations.

Kazhibayeva said that the TV and Radio Complex of the President of Kazakhstan is steadily advancing cooperation with CMG, aiming to further strengthen the friendship between Kazakhstan and China.

Zhang highlighted the significance of the screening activity in Kazakhstan, adding that he believes it will help the Kazakh people better understand China and enhance the friendship between the two peoples.

The screening runs through July 6.

CMG program screening launched in Kazakhstan

CMG program screening launched in Kazakhstan

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