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Media professionals convene in Los Angeles to raise awareness about climate action




Media professionals convene in Los Angeles to raise awareness about climate action

2024-06-30 17:50 Last Updated At:19:37

The Hollywood Climate Summit held in Los Angeles of the United States this week aimed to raise climate consciousness over the devastating impact of climate change by educating and connecting media professionals across Hollywood.

Hollywood is considered one of the most powerful tools for spreading ideas. For the fifth year in a row, climate activists have brought together artists, writers, filmmakers, and media professionals for the Hollywood Climate Summit.

"It has that mixture of celebrity and expert that we love. And ultimately, it's about amplifying those frontline climate leaders and voices, and then also, creating that entry point for high-level talents to feel engaged and excited and realize it doesn't have to be scary to talk about climate. It really just can be a part of our everyday lives," said Ali Weinstein, co-founder of the Hollywood Climate Summit.

Held at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in Beverly Hills, the four-day-long event closing on Friday aimed to raise awareness about climate action, while providing a platform to share ideas, resources, and expertise.

"How can we build community across the entertainment and media landscape, while also providing some climate literacy, connecting grassroots climate leaders with media professionals, so we can amplify their voices and understand their stories and do a better job in media of portraying them," said Allison Begalman, another co-founder of the Hollywood Climate Summit.

A wide range of programming has included, writing workshops, networking and film screening on climate change.

Many companies pushing for a transition to clean energy used this opportunity to reach across Hollywood.

"We're more of an education base. Explainer to industry professionals of what green tech can do and the application process and how it can be used. And we also distribute equipment while we're training technicians how to use it and gathering data to show the studios and the different clients how the equipment works. And the positive effects it can have in the offset of emissions and things like that," said Steve Yandrich, co-founder of the Saniset Fleet.

Initially starting out as an online event, the Hollywood Climate Summit has grown exponentially over the years, harnessing Hollywood's pivotal role and influence in the climate movement toward a green future.

Media professionals convene in Los Angeles to raise awareness about climate action

Media professionals convene in Los Angeles to raise awareness about climate action

Japan has introduced a new program for foreign employers to replace the Technical Intern Training Program, which was implemented over the last three decades, with a new training and employment system expected to be fully implemented within three years to tackle the labor shortage.

Overall, the new training and employment system is more flexible than the previous Technical Intern Training Program. It relaxes restrictions on foreign employees changing companies and eliminates the compulsory requirement for them to return to their home countries after three years.

Instead, it allows foreign workers who meet certain Japanese language and technical proficiency criteria to switch employers, and those with adequate technical abilities and meeting specific requirements can even apply to obtain permanent residency.

This initiative aims to address a labor shortage exacerbated by a 13-year consecutive decline in the Japanese population, with 16.1 percent of people aged over 75. This demographic trend has left around 70 percent of medium- and small-sized enterprises facing labor shortages.

"Women who previously had no jobs are now employed, and elderly workers continue to work, which helps to fill gaps in the labor market. However, sectors such as civil construction still face severe labor shortages," said Masaaki Shigehara, member of a council at General Affairs Department of Dai-ichi Life Group.

Experts believe the new system will enable foreign labor to more easily access industries experiencing critical labor shortages, including construction, nursing, agriculture, and car maintenance.

"In the car maintenance industry, the talent shortage issue could be alleviated if the new training and employment system develops as expected. This could significantly reduce the survival risks faced by enterprises. We hope this new system will be implemented successfully," said Ichi Yoshino, chairman of Japan Autobody Repair Work Association.

Japan introduces new employment system for foreigners to tackle severe labor shortages

Japan introduces new employment system for foreigners to tackle severe labor shortages

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