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China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador




China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

2024-07-02 16:58 Last Updated At:07-03 00:57

China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Fu Cong said on Monday that China looks forward to intensifying cooperation with the United States and all other nations on artificial intelligence.

Fu made the statement in an interview with China Global Television Network on the sidelines of the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly in New York.

The 78th session of the UNGA on Monday unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China and co-sponsored by over 140 countries, on strengthening international cooperation on capacity building of AI.

While introducing the draft resolution at the General Assembly plenary session, Fu stated that the rapid development of global AI technology is having a profound impact on socioeconomic development of countries and progress of human civilization.

The ambassador added that China looks forward to taking the adoption of this resolution as an opportunity "to actively promote its subsequent implementation with the broad membership," adhering to development priorities, making AI human-centered, ensuring equality and mutual benefit, and upholding innovation.

Fu said that China welcomes enhanced cooperation with all countries in the world, including the United States, on the issue of AI.

"We're very appreciative of the positive role that the U.S. has played in this whole process. China is ready to work with the U.S. on the issue of AI and actually this is an issue that has been discussed at a very senior level, at the foreign ministers' level, and also even at the heads-of-state level. So, we do look forward to intensifying our cooperation with the United States and for that matter, with all countries in the world on this issue, which, as I said, will have far reaching implications in all dimensions," said the ambassador.

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

China ready to work with U.S., all other nations on issue of AI: ambassador

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Music deepens friendship between China, Tajikistan

2024-07-04 18:29 Last Updated At:18:47

Music has been serving as a bridge to strengthen the friendship between China and Tajikistan.

Since China and Tajikistan established diplomatic relations in 1992, the bilateral relations have achieved leapfrog development. Under the Belt and Road Initiative, exchanges between two countries have also become more and more frequent.

The Tajikistan state college of music arts in Dushanbe, the country's top music academy, is one of the examples that showcase the cultural exchanges between two countries.

Gulbnur Rahmonova is the head of the college's folk music department. She gave a solo Guzheng performance in 2019 when Chinese President Xi Jinping paid a state visit to Tajikistan.

"[When the performance ended,] there was prolonged applause. It's safe to say that no one in Tajikistan had ever performed with such an instrument; neither had anyone played it in front of state leaders. Therefore, the performance was really surprising," Rahmonova said.

In November 2015, Tajikistan state college of music arts signed a cooperation agreement with Lanzhou University of Arts and Science, allowing students from both sides to exchange and study in the other college.

"China and Tajikistan are good friends working together for the Belt and Road Initiative. Therefore, I've got an idea to translate this Tajik song into Chinese, and dedicated it to my friends back home and the friendship between China and Tajikistan. So the song is sung in both Tajik and Chinese languages," said Imirin Bexti, a Chinese Tajik studying at the Tajikistan state college of music arts.

Music deepens friendship between China, Tajikistan

Music deepens friendship between China, Tajikistan

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