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Kazakh horse farmer embraces flourishing people-to-people exchanges with China




Kazakh horse farmer embraces flourishing people-to-people exchanges with China

2024-07-03 06:53 Last Updated At:22:44

A horse farmer in Kazakhstan's capital of Astana shared his memorable experience living in China and learning Chinese, exemplifying how strengthened diplomatic ties between China and Kazakhstan continuously deepened people-to-people exchanges and achieved results in culture and tourism cooperation.

Ernar came to China in 2014 and studied the Chinese language for six years in Urumqi, northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

Speaking on horseback with a China Global Television (CGTN) reporter, he stressed that language is a crucial skill due to the increasing involvement of Chinese people and companies in his country.

"A child of my father's friend wanted to learn Chinese in China. I believe Chinese is an important language to learn nowadays," he said.

With deeper official bonds, Kazakhstan has been enjoying a visible increase in Chinese visitors. Ernar also noted that his horse farm business in the suburbs of Astana attracts hundreds of visitors during weekends.

"I heard people speaking Chinese. Then I asked why they were here. I found out that most of them are businesspeople," he said.

He also explained that this year is also the Year of Kazakhstan Tourism in China, and Chinese citizens are allowed to stay in Kazakhstan for up to 30 days for single crossing thanks to the visa-free agreement.

Data shows that Chinese tourists in Kazakhstan have increased more than 10-fold from 2022 to 2023, with many attracted to the country's wide open grasslands.

Kazakh horse farmer embraces flourishing people-to-people exchanges with China

Kazakh horse farmer embraces flourishing people-to-people exchanges with China

China is willing to maintain exchanges and cooperation with other countries around the world, including the United States, on global governance of artificial intelligence (AI), China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dai Bing said on Thursday.

The 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) on Monday unanimously adopted the resolution on strengthening international cooperation in the capacity building of artificial intelligence (AI). It was proposed by China and co-sponsored by over 140 countries, including the United States.

Both China and the United States are leading countries in the field of artificial intelligence which has become an important area of cooperation between the two countries, Dai said at a press conference held on the sidelines of the 2024 World AI Conference (WAIC) and High-Level Meeting on Global AI Governance which opened in Shanghai on Thursday.

"During the consultations in the past period, both our delegations showed an open, cooperative and constructive attitude. China appreciates the United States' active participation in the process, and finally supported and co-signed the China-proposed draft resolution. Both China and the U.S. recognize that there is great potential for cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence," Dai said.

"At the same time, both sides have common concerns about responding to global challenges in AI. China is willing to continue to maintain exchanges and cooperation with (other countries in the world including) the U.S. to jointly promote the follow-up implementation of the General Assembly resolution," he said.

The resolution proposed by China actively reflects the common wishes and demands of member states, especially developing countries, Dai said, adding that the resolution is of milestone significance to the global governance of artificial intelligence, especially in promoting capacity building.

Dai said he personally participated in the consultations on this resolution throughout the whole process and fully felt the support and trust of the member countries.

"This resolution has 30 paragraphs, including 15 action clauses, and the content is very specific and pragmatic. Many developing countries affectionately call this resolution the 'Global South' resolution. Recently the U.N. agenda is particularly busy. Under such a circumstance, the consultations hosted by the Chinese side could only be squeezed in, but we had a full house every time, with nearly 100 experts from various countries participating in each meeting," Dai said.

"It shows that all countries attach great importance to the topic, and it also proves that China submitting the draft resolution is a right thing which is also expected by the member states. The adoption of the resolution by the U.N. General Assembly fully demonstrates that China's ideas and solutions in the field of artificial intelligence are increasingly becoming an international consensus," said the Chinese envoy.

China willing to cooperate with all countries including U.S. in AI governance: Chinese envoy

China willing to cooperate with all countries including U.S. in AI governance: Chinese envoy

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