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Southern China mobilizes relief efforts after torrential rains, flooding




Southern China mobilizes relief efforts after torrential rains, flooding

2024-07-03 14:29 Last Updated At:15:57

Torrential rains have triggered widespread flooding across southern parts of China, prompting urgent relief operations to mitigate the impact and support affected communities.

In central China's Hubei Province, Chongyang County of Xianning City was hit by a three-hour rainstorm of 114 millimeters from the night of Monday to the early morning of Tuesday, causing water to accumulate in many parts of the city and stranding vehicles.

Local departments responded swiftly, rescuing the trapped people and vehicles in a timely manner. The rain has now stopped and the water has begun to recede.

The water level of the Yangtze River section in Hubei's Wuhan on Monday exceeded the warning level of 27.3 meters for the first time since August 2020. Hundreds of residents in affected areas were safely transferred under the joint efforts of multiple departments in the city.

The section of Yangtze River in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, exceeded 9.5 meters on Tuesday morning, 0.8 meters above the warning level.

Due to the large wind on the river and the fast water flow, the maritime department has taken measures to restrict traffic so as to ensure the safety of water transportation. The Nanjing Maritime Department raised the flood control to a high-level emergency response at 16:00 on Monday, strengthening the emergency force on duty 24 hours a day.

Also in east China, Jiujiang City in Jiangxi Province was hit by continuous heavy rain from Monday to Tuesday, causing urban and rural flooding and necessitating the local emergency evacuation of trapped people.

In the early morning on Tuesday, severe water-logging in some residential areas of Jiujiang City left people trapped, prompting rescue workers to deploy rubber rafts for their safe transfer to dry areas.

In Tongren City in southwest China's Guizhou province, two consecutive days of torrential rain resulted in 140.2 mm of rainfall in Bijiang District and 157.2 mm in Wanshan District, the main urban areas in the city.

The Jinjiang River's precipitous rise in water levels led to urban road flooding and significant traffic disruptions. In response, multiple departments swiftly implemented emergency measures, including traffic control, warning signs, and accelerated drainage efforts. Firefighters utilized rubber rafts to evacuate citizens and students stranded by the flooding.

In Daping Town under the city's Wanshan District, 117 residents were urgently evacuated following the rise in water levels, flooding of homes and falling of trees. To support those displaced, three temporary shelters were promptly established, offering essential living accommodations.

Southern China mobilizes relief efforts after torrential rains, flooding

Southern China mobilizes relief efforts after torrential rains, flooding

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Beijing's suburban Miyun pursues green development via beekeeping

2024-09-08 11:39 Last Updated At:12:57

Beijing's northern suburban district of Miyun is pursuing a green transformation of its economic model via nurturing beekeeping industry, which can fully harness its natural resources while improving local ecology.

In Miyun District, bee populations, including Chinese and Italian species, are thriving. This has led to a flourishing bee products industry, producing over 4.5 million kilograms of honey and propolis annually, valued at over 100 million yuan. Additionally, the very small trichogramma wasps are helping local farmers by controlling insect pests, further supporting agricultural production.

These successes are attributed to the ecological preservation efforts of local authorities. As the major drinking water source and strategic reserve base of water resources for Beijing, Miyun District is home to the largest reservoir in northern China. To protect this vital reservoir, residents have been relocated three times, with 102 villages moved and 300 enterprises shut down. The local government has also implemented policies to return farmland, ban farming in certain areas, and relocate fish farming operations.

"To preserve the reservoir, we've planted large numbers of trees and banned the use of pesticides. We've also restricted fish farming and returned farmland to nature, creating a chemical-free environment that's ideal for breeding bees," said Luo Qihua, Deputy Director of Miyun's Forestry and Park Bureau.

Thanks to these efforts, Miyun has become a leading area for beekeeping, with over 200 plant species that provide nectar for wild bees.

These bees, in turn, contribute to the ecological balance by producing honey and pollinating plants, which improves local biodiversity.

"The pollination by small wasps not only reduces labor but also enhances the flavor of our tomatoes. It improves their shape, which increases the yield of marketable produce," said An Lihui, a local tomato farmer.

The lush forests and abundant flowers in Miyun create a vibrant, living landscape, reflecting a harmonious relationship between humans and nature. This has also given rise to specialized tourism centered around beekeeping.

"Beekeeping in Miyun not only improves the environment but also boosts the income of local beekeepers. Visitors can come here to enjoy natural honey while enjoying the lush mountains, lucid waters, and the breathtaking local landscapes, which would enable them to share with the locals their 'honey-sweet' life," said Wang Weiyi, the leader of a beekeeping cooperative in Miyun.

Beijing's suburban Miyun pursues green development via beekeeping

Beijing's suburban Miyun pursues green development via beekeeping

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