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Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China




Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China

2024-07-03 17:29 Last Updated At:18:47

Persistent and heavy rains have lashed parts of southern China, triggering mudslides and flash floods in provinces such as Jiangsu, Hubei, amd Anhui, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Water levels in sections of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River - China's longest river – may continue to rise, since the areas entered the annual rainy season, known as "plum rain season," on June 18, according to the Ministry of Water Resources Tuesday.

The water level of middle and lower reaches of the river as well as the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake basins is expected to gradually fall after Friday, according to the alert.

The Department of Water Resources of Hubei Province also reported that the recent precipitation in central China's Hubei Province has been 27 percent higher than the same period in history.

"Since June, a wide rain belt has covered most areas of Hubei Province. Three rounds of heavy rainfall have overlapped, extending from east to west, sweeping 13 cities and prefectures, including Huangshi, Huanggang, Xianning, Wuhan, and Jingzhou, as well as 80 counties. Currently, the water levels of more than 800 reservoirs in these areas exceeded the flood limit but have not reached a warning level. The implemented flood control measures, such as the management of flood gates and reservoirs in the areas that are heavily affected by rainfall, are successfully mitigating the peak flow and managing flood situations. Now, the overall flood control situation is relatively stable and manageable," said Luo Wei, a researcher at the flood and drought disaster prevention division under the Department of Water Resources of Hubei Province.

In addition, Anhui Provincial Emergency Management Department on Tuesday also released news that the Yangtze River has seen water levels in its Anhui section exceed their warning marks, and levels continue to rise. Torrential rains have also pushed waters above their guaranteed or alert levels in another 20 rivers and six lakes in the province.

The rainstorms prompted the three cities of Ma'anshan, Wuhu and Tongling in Anhui to raise their emergency response to flooding to Level III, the third-highest level.

Meanwhile, affected by the strong rainfall, the Xijiang River, in south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a major tributary of the Pearl River, along with its tributaries, Liujiang River and Guijiang River, are experiencing a significant increase in water levels, the local water conservancy department reported.

In the early morning of Wednesday, the Xijiang River flooded for the fourth time this year.

Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China

Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China

Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China

Torrential rains, flash floods continue to batter southern China

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Xi, Tajik president jointly meet press in Dushanbe

2024-07-06 06:58 Last Updated At:08:17

Visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon on Friday jointly met the press after holding talks in Tajikistan's capital Dushanbe.

Xi, whose last state visit to Tajikistan came five years ago, said he once again felt the enduring brotherly friendship between the Chinese and Tajik people upon his return to the Central Asian country.

Xi hailed his talks with Rahmon as fruitful and rich in content, saying they signed a joint statement on the elevation of bilateral ties to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership in the new era, made a joint decision to build a China-Tajikistan community with a shared future defined by lasting friendship, sharing weal and woe, mutual benefits and win-win results from a higher starting point, and witnessed the exchange of more than 20 cooperation documents in various fields, which gives a new characterization to the bilateral ties and has opened up new prospects for bilateral cooperation.

Xi awarded Rahmon with the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China for his outstanding contribution to bilateral ties, which was the first time the award has been presented outside of China, fully demonstrating the deep friendship of the Chinese people to President Rahmon and the people of Tajikistan.

Xi said the two sides will, as always, firmly advance friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation, firmly support each other in pursuing a development path suited to their national conditions, and safeguard their respective national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.

No matter how the international situation changes, China will always be a trustworthy friend, reliable partner and close brother to Tajikistan, Xi added.

Xi said the two sides have agreed to focus on high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, comprehensively promote the synergy of development strategies of the two countries, and help each other's modernization drive.

China is ready to import more quality products from Tajikistan and continuously upgrade the quality and scale of China-Tajikistan economic and trade cooperation, said Xi.

He said the two countries have agreed to continue to deepen connectivity cooperation and support Tajikistan in tapping more potential in boosting transit transport.

China and Tajikistan will also deepen cooperation in various fields including mineral resources, agriculture, new energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, and will enhance people-to-people and cultural exchanges and cooperation to consolidate popular support for their lasting friendship, Xi said, adding that support will be provided for more exchanges between the two countries' youths, media outlets, and think tanks, as well as in women's affairs and tourism.

Xi pointed out that China and Tajikistan are determined to further strengthen security cooperation to jointly crack down on the three forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and will work to maintain border security, unequivocally oppose third-party interference in the internal affairs of the two countries, and jointly safeguard regional security and stability.

The two sides will continue to strengthen communication and coordination on the Afghan issue, jointly participate in the cooperation of Afghanistan-related mechanisms, encourage the Afghan interim government to build inclusive governance, focus on development and improve people's livelihood, resolutely fight terrorism and crimes, and pursue friendship with neighboring countries, Xi said.

Both sides spoke highly of the achievements of China-Central Asia cooperation and are willing to continuously improve and strengthen the China-Central Asia mechanism, Xi said, adding that China has taken over the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and welcomes Rahmon to attend the SCO summit in China next year and discuss plans for the future development of the organization.

Stressing the importance of strengthening solidarity and cooperation for the international community, Xi said China advocates an equal and orderly world multipolarity and economic globalization that benefits all, and is ready to work with Tajikistan to actively implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, so as to contribute to the cause of world peace and development.

For his part, Rahmon said Xi's state visit to Tajikistan is an important milestone in the history of bilateral relations, which will inject strong new impetus into the development of the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Tajikistan and China in the new era.

China and Tajikistan have been good neighbors and their bilateral relations have always been based on mutual understanding, mutual trust and mutual support, Rahmon said, adding that he and Xi are satisfied with the high-level development of bilateral ties and the fruitful results from bilateral cooperation, and have reached new consensus on the future development of China-Tajikistan relations.

The Tajik president said the documents signed on Friday will strengthen practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries, adding that his country welcomes more Chinese investment to help accelerate Tajikistan's industrialization and modernization process.

Tajikistan is willing to strengthen security cooperation with China to fight terrorism, separatism and extremism and safeguard the common security of the two countries, Rahmon said.

Tajikistan is also willing to maintain close communication and cooperation with China within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the China-Central Asia mechanism, so as to make positive contributions to regional peace and stability, he said.

Xi, Tajik president jointly meet press in Dushanbe

Xi, Tajik president jointly meet press in Dushanbe

Xi, Tajik president jointly meet press in Dushanbe

Xi, Tajik president jointly meet press in Dushanbe

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