The Ministry of Water Resources of China has introduced a comprehensive dispatch and command mechanism for major flood and drought disasters, hoping to streamline and improve the response to such events.
The mechanism sets out clear triggers for emergency actions, covering key areas including problems with reservoirs, dam breaches, mountain floods, landslides, floodwater containment, and any other unexpected water emergencies.
Luo Jinjun, director of the Flood Control Division within the Ministry's Department of Flood and Drought Disaster Prevention, has clarified the mechanism's startup process.
"It outlines the activation process for the Ministry of Water Resources' major flood and drought disaster dispatch and command mechanism, specifying key tasks and work requirements across nine areas, such as disaster reporting, response initiation, and decision-making through consultation," he said.
The mechanism aims to bolster vigilance, so as to ensure a rapid response, strong command, efficient dispatch, and effective implementation of flood and drought disaster prevention efforts.
"When the mechanism is triggered for a major flood or drought disaster, urgent action should be taken. And based on the process guidance, all stakeholders can fulfill their responsibilities to form a unified response," Luo said.
China unveils management mechanism for flood, drought
The robust and integrated development between Hengqin and Macao stands as a testament to the success of the "one country, two systems" policy, which has earned widespread approval from Macao residents, said Ho Ion Sang, vice president of the General Union of Neighbor Associations of Macao.
During a press interview ahead of the closing meeting of the third session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on Monday, Ho, also a member of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, highlighted the profound economic and social transformations Macao has undergone since its return to the motherland in 1999.
Six years ago, at a community-level meeting, Ho met a Macao resident surnamed Chen who had relocated to Zhongshan City in neighboring Guangdong Province after marriage. She commuted daily between Zhongshan and Macao for work and was particularly concerned about her children's education.
To promote integrated development between Macao and Guangdong, the central government launched the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin in 2021. Located at the southern tip of Zhuhai City in Guangdong Province, Hengqin is separated from Macao by a narrow stretch of water.
"In December 2020, the Zhuhai municipal government announced the Macao New Neighborhood project, which provides 3,800 housing units in Hengqin for Macao residents, along with schools, healthcare facilities, and a public service center. Macao residents have realized that integration between the two regions has made significant strides. Their children can now enroll in the Hengqin School Affiliated to Hou Kong Middle School and receive Macao's educational benefits," said Ho. He further noted that Macao residents in Hengqin have access to medical care and other public services through facilities directly operated by Macao's Health Bureau, as well as a 24-hour administrative service center.
Last year, Chen and her family moved to the Macao New Neighborhood, greatly improving their commuting, schooling, and healthcare conditions. According to Ho, the family deeply appreciates the joint efforts of the governments in both regions.
"Chen's experience vividly illustrates how Macao residents have benefited from national policies. It reflects the close ties between Guangdong and Macao over the past 25 years since Macao's return to the motherland. Hengqin represents a dreamland that harnesses the strengths of both regions. The sweetness of this dreamland is tangible, and the integrated development between Hengqin and Macao stands as factual proof to the world that the 'one country, two systems' policy is viable, achievable, and wins people's hearts," said Ho.
The annual session of the 14th CPPCC National Committee, China's top political advisory body, took place in Beijing from March 4 to 10.
Hengqin-Macao integrated development testifies to success of 'one country, two systems'