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Court Convicts Stand News Editors of Seditious Conspiracy, Upholding National Security Laws in Hong Kong.


Court Convicts Stand News Editors of Seditious Conspiracy, Upholding National Security Laws in Hong Kong.


Court Convicts Stand News Editors of Seditious Conspiracy, Upholding National Security Laws in Hong Kong.

2024-08-29 23:05 Last Updated At:23:49

District Court's verdict on "conspiracy to publish seditious publication" signifies justice being firmly held

​The District Court today (August 29) delivered verdict on a case of "conspiracy to publish and/or reproduce seditious publication", finding all three defendants guilty of the charge.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government spokesman said, "The conviction of all three defendants (i.e. the two editors-in-chief of Stand News, Chung Pui-kuen and Lam Shiu-tung, and the company which operated Stand News, Best Pencil (Hong Kong) Limited) signifies justice being firmly upheld. Any individual or organisation that incites hatred and engages in acts and activities endangering national security can never escape sanctions of the law, and such malicious acts will surely be duly punished."

In its reasons for verdict, the court pointed out clearly that the ideology of Stand News was localism which excluded China, and it even became a tool to smear and vilify the Central Authorities and the HKSAR Government during the "anti-extradition amendment bill incidents". The court found that the relevant articles, without any objective basis, attacked the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Crimes Ordinance and relevant law enforcement and prosecutorial process; spread hatred and anti-government sentiment with disinformation; attacked the law enforcement by the Police and glorified the behaviour of rioters. The court further held that, while holding chief editorial position of Stand News, Chung Pui-kuen and Lam Shiu-tung had knowledge and approved of the seditious intention of the articles, and offered Stand News as the publishing platform with the intention to incite hatred against the Central Authorities or the HKSAR Government, and hatred against the administration of justice.

The court specifically highlighted in its reasons for verdict that, according to Article 19(3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, when the media and relevant personnel publish opinions, information and articles, they must observe and discharge "special duties and responsibilities", including protection of national security or public order, or of public health or morals. The court further cited relevant decisions on press freedom under the European Convention on Human Rights which pointed out that journalists are entitled to the protection of the freedoms of expression and of the press on the premises that they must act in good faith and on accurate factual basis and provide reliable and precise information.

The spokesman pointed out that, "The Basic Law and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights guarantee fundamental rights such as the freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, procession and demonstration. Clear lines have been drawn between unlawful seditious expressions and lawful constructive criticisms under the Crimes Ordinance. The relevant provisions are also unambiguous. As demonstrated by the reasons for verdict of the court, Stand News completely disregarded objective facts and contravened the special duties and responsibilities emphasised by international human rights conventions which journalists must observe. As such, the claims by individual media organisations which disregard facts, as well as anti-China and destabilising individuals, foreign politicians and organisations with vicious motives, which accused the verdict of 'suppressing' freedom of the press are utterly unfounded. To distort words and acts that incite hatred as 'journalistic work' as such individuals and organisations did is indeed the gravest insult against the professional journalists of Hong Kong."

The spokesman emphasised that, "Members of the public (including journalists) in Hong Kong are, as always, free to make comments or criticisms that are based on facts, and to enjoy and exercise freedoms of the press and of speech in accordance with the law, without fear of unwittingly violating the law.

"It is the constitutional duty of the HKSAR to safeguard national security. In this regard, the HKSAR Government will ensure that laws are observed and continue to enforce the law resolutely, decisively and rigorously with a view to effectively preventing, suppressing and imposing punishment for acts and activities endangering national security with all-out efforts."

Health Bureau launches "e+ Life" health challenge platform under eHealth and officially rolls out "e+ Go to Park" game

The Health Bureau (HHB) launched the new "e+ Life" health challenge platform under eHealth and rolled out officially today (September 14) its very first health challenge, the "e+ Go to Park" game, to encourage members of the public to develop healthy habits by actively participating in health challenges. Over 100 primary and secondary school students as well as parents tried out the "e+ Go to Park" game and took part in a series of healthy activities at the launch ceremony for an energising weekend.

The Secretary for Health, Professor Lo Chung-mau, said, "Over 6 million citizens have registered with eHealth to date since its launch in 2016, accounting for nearly 80 per cent of the Hong Kong population. The eHealth mobile application (eHealth app) has also recorded more than 3.4 million downloads. We put forward the 'eHealth+' five-year plan last year to capitalise on the solid foundation of eHealth and make further enhancements through new functions with a view to better embracing the development of healthcare technologies in the future and enabling citizens to safeguard their well-being in a more effective manner for them to take up the primary responsibility for their own health. The Government is making every effort to develop the eHealth app into a single portal for citizens to manage health records of their own and their family members, gain access to health information, facilitate personal health monitoring and establish a healthier lifestyle, serving as a healthcare piggy bank for all.

"To encourage citizens to form healthy habits, the new 'e+ Life' health challenge platform is specially launched under 'eHealth+' to allow eHealth users to join various health challenges, log their daily exercises and accumulate health coins by interfacing with tracking applications. The first health challenge, i.e. the 'e+ Go to Park' rolled out today primarily targets students. According to the Student Health Service Annual Health Report for 2022-23 school year by the Department of Health (DH), around 90 per cent of students reported an insufficient level of physical activity, which in turn correlates with issues such as obesity, social and mental health among students. We hope to leverage the various game modes of 'e+ Go to Park', including individual, family, and school challenges, to encourage students to head outdoors with their parents and friends, and enjoy the fun of playing games and exercising together, thereby improving their physical and mental health."

The "e+ Go to Park" is introduced by the HHB in collaboration with the Education Bureau, the DH and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD). Participants can access the "e+ Go to Park" game for free by logging in the "e+ Life" platform through the eHealth app. The game is set in the backstory of rescuing "Sports Babies" from outer space. Players are tasked to search for and capture different virtual characters and collectibles in real life at over 200 designated parks managed by the LCSD to replenish enough "sports energy" for fuelling the trip back home for the "Sports Babies". Players need to capture energy targets around different corners of the parks in person, allowing them to work out while gaming. In addition, a number of special edition virtual characters and collectibles featuring the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China will be introduced in October for players to capture. Citizens may visit the thematic website of the eHealth app ( for more details of the "e+ Life" platform and the "e+ Go to Park" game.

At the launch ceremony, about 10 students debuted the dance performance for the theme song entitled "e+ Move it Up" which was specially composed for the "e+ Life" platform. Professor Lo also had a taste of the "e+ Go to Park" game and participated in activities at several sports booths together with students. The event featured a variety of entertaining programmes and health activities, including sports booths of stretching exercise, dodgebee and rope skipping, the "e+ Support Station" for weight and blood pressure measurements as well as blood sugar testing, Chinese Medicine health consultation services, and storytelling sessions with interactive picture books for children's health education.

More health challenges will be introduced on the "e+ Life" platform. Among them, the DH will roll out a walking challenge under the "10 000 Steps a Day" campaign this November to raise public awareness of the health benefits of walking, encourage people to engage in more physical activities and support their family members or friends to integrate the habit of walking 10 000 steps a day into daily life.

The Under Secretary for Health, Dr Libby Lee; Deputy Secretary for Education Mr Edward To; the Deputy Director of Health, Dr Teresa Li; Assistant Director (Leisure Services) of the LCSD Mr Henry Wong; and Acting Assistant Director of Home Affairs, Mr Gavin Yeung, also attended the launch ceremony.

"The Chief Executive's 2023 Policy Address" put forward the "eHealth+" five-year plan to transform eHealth into a comprehensive healthcare information infrastructure that integrates multiple functions of data sharing, service support and care journey management through the launch of nine new functions (including "e+ Life"). At present, parents can easily deposit, access and manage their children's health records in the eHealth App, including all records of vaccination received at Maternal and Child Health Centres since 2007 and at primary schools across the city since 2013 under the DH's Hong Kong Childhood Immunisation Programme, as well as allergies or adverse drug reactions records. Moreover, the "Child Growth Record" function of the eHealth app has adopted the updated Hong Kong 2020 Growth References to help parents monitor the growth of their children.

Citizens may register as an eHealth user online through the "iAM Smart" mobile application, or by visiting any of the 18 designated post offices, over 70 eHealth registration centres located in different districts and eHealth mobile registration stations; as well as the various District Health Centres to register as members and activate eHealth accounts. A default consent arrangement was also made on the system to register participating citizens of government-subsidised vaccination schemes with eHealth as a streamlined registration procedure. Citizens may visit the eHealth websitefor more details on eHealth registration.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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