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Hong Kong Enforces Strict Ban on Feeding Wild Animals, Fines Up to $100,000


Hong Kong Enforces Strict Ban on Feeding Wild Animals, Fines Up to $100,000


Hong Kong Enforces Strict Ban on Feeding Wild Animals, Fines Up to $100,000

2024-08-31 12:00 Last Updated At:12:08

Government announces immediate enforcement against illegal feeding of wild animals or feral pigeons starts tomorrow

Regarding the Wild Animals Protection (Amendment) Ordinance 2024 (Amendment Ordinance) which came into effect on August 1, 2024, a spokesperson for the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) said today (August 31), "The Amendment Ordinance has already been in effect for a month. Starting from tomorrow (September 1), enforcement officers will take immediate enforcement action without prior verbal warnings upon discovering any person who is found to be illegally feeding wild animals or feral pigeons."

The Amendment Ordinance expands the territory-wide prohibition on feeding wild animals to cover feral pigeons, increases the maximum penalty for illegal feeding to a fine of $100,000 and imprisonment for one year, and introduces a fixed penalty of $5,000 for illegal feeding, with a view to further curbing illegal feeding activities.

The AFCD, in collaboration with the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Housing Department, has stepped up patrols throughout Hong Kong, especially at locations with previous records of illegal feeding activities, and takes appropriate enforcement action as necessary based on intelligence and reports.

Furthermore, the AFCD has established an inter-departmental working group on feeding ban enforcement with relevant departments. The working group regularly reviews and discusses enforcement action against illegal feeding and arranges joint enforcement operations when necessary. Members of the public may call 1823 to report any suspected illegal feeding of wild animals or feral pigeons.

Concurrently, the AFCD has launched a series of publicity and education activities with the theme of "All For No Feeding", which includes setting up educational booths in various districts, distributing leaflets, and collaborating with Legislative Council Members, District Council members, and local communities to promote the message. These efforts aim to bring home to the public the negative impact of feeding wild animals and feral pigeons, while publicising the latest feeding ban and penalties. Relevant information has also been uploaded to the AFCD webpage (

Government announces immediate enforcement against illegal feeding of wild animals or feral pigeons starts tomorrow  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Government announces immediate enforcement against illegal feeding of wild animals or feral pigeons starts tomorrow Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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Families Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Positive Parenting Event in Hong Kong

2024-09-14 19:50 Last Updated At:20:18

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today

​The Commission on Children (CoC), the Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) and the Social Welfare Department today (September 14) jointly held the"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement and Mid-Autumn Festival celebration event under the theme of positive parenting and family bonding. Through a variety of parent-child interactive games, stress relief activities and sharing sessions, the event aimed at promoting positive parenting, enhancing family bonding and celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Over 80 participants from around 30 families with children participating in the Child Development Fund

and their family members attended the event. The Secretary for Labour and Welfare and Vice-chairperson of the CoC, Mr Chris Sun, together with ex-officio member of the CoC, the Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, and the Director of Social Welfare, Miss Charmaine Lee, joined the event to cheer on the parents and children.

Mr Sun said that a harmonious family relationship is conducive to the healthy development of children, both physically and mentally. He encouraged parents to spend more time playing with their children and share quality parent-child moments together. Mr Siu hoped that the event, with a series of diverse and challenging parent-child interactive games, would provide participants with special family time together, and could promote positive and healthy family relationships. Miss Lee said that families are the cornerstone of society and the backbone of child protection. She encouraged families to develop stronger familial bonds and enhanced care so that a loving and harmonious environment can be built for the children.

As part of the "Walk with Kids" thematic campaign of the CoC, the stakeholder engagement event was conducted in the format of a day camp at the Junior Police Call Permanent Activity Centre and Integrated Youth Training Camp at Pat Heung. Non-official members of the CoC moderated the group sharing sessions, listening to parents sharing parenting experiences, and providing suggestions for practising positive parenting and enhancing family relationships. Under the guidance of the clinical psychologist from the HKPF, parents also learned and shared relaxation techniques with an aim to assist them in facing parenting challenges with a positive mindset amid their busy daily lives. Apart from a series of parent-child adventure and experiential activities, there was a lantern-making workshop to enhance interaction and collaboration between parents and their children, riding on the vibe of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

"Let's T.A.L.K. and Walk with Kids" stakeholder engagement event to promote positive parenting and strengthen family bonding held today Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

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