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Labour Department Issues Heat Stress Warning: Employers Urged to Implement Safety Measures for Workers


Labour Department Issues Heat Stress Warning: Employers Urged to Implement Safety Measures for Workers


Labour Department Issues Heat Stress Warning: Employers Urged to Implement Safety Measures for Workers

2024-09-03 09:52 Last Updated At:12:04

LD reminds employers and employees to take heat stroke preventive measures in times of Heat Stress at Work Warning

​As the Heat Stress at Work Warning is now in effect, the Labour Department (LD) reminds employers and employees to take appropriate measures during the effective period of the warning to prevent heat stroke when working in hot weather or hot environments.

Employees who work outdoors or in non-air-conditioned indoor environments face high levels of heat stress and are at a relatively higher risk of heat stroke. Employers should assess the risk factors of heat stress for employees at work and, based on the identified risk factors, take necessary preventive and control measures, including rescheduling work periods, setting up shading covers, providing ventilation and heat dissipation equipment, and reminding employees to replenish water and rest in a timely manner.

The Heat Stress at Work Warning is formulated by the LD based on the Hong Kong Heat Index. There are three levels of the warning: Amber, Red and Black, which help employers and employees better understand the level of heat stress while working outdoors or indoors without air-conditioning systems.

A spokesman for the LD said that when the department issues the Heat Stress at Work Warning, employers must refer to the criteria and recommendations provided in the "Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work" to conduct risk assessments, according to the workloads and other relevant heat stress risk factors, for employees who work outdoors or in non-air-conditioned indoor workplaces. Appropriate rest breaks should be arranged every hour, as far as reasonably practicable, based on various levels of the Heat Stress at Work Warning, to reduce employees' risk of heat stroke.

Employees must also follow instructions to rest on time. Whenever there are any symptoms of heat-related illnesses, such as headache, dizziness, thirst, and nausea, they should rest in a cool and shady place, drink water, and inform employers/supervisors to take appropriate action immediately.

The LD issued the "Guidance Notes on Prevention of Heat Stroke at Work", detailing the various risk factors that should be considered when conducting heat stress risk assessments and recommending corresponding control measures for identified risk factors for employers' and employees' reference. For the Heat Stress at Work Warning and related guidelines, please refer to the department's thematic webpage:

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

Correctional officers stop assault on person in custody

​Correctional Officers stopped four remand persons in custody assaulting another remand person in custody at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre today (September 15).

At 9.37am today, four male remand persons in custody aged from 38 to 47 assaulted a 50-year-old male remand person in custody inside a dayroom. Officers at the scene immediately stopped the assailants and called for reinforcement.

During the incident, the victim sustained injuries to his head, chest and arm and was referred to a public hospital for further treatment after receiving examination and treatment at the institution hospital. The assailants did not sustain any injuries.

The case has been reported to the Police for investigation.

The five persons in custody were respectively remanded for the offences of trafficking in a dangerous drug, theft, burglary, etc.

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