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HK Launches Talent⁺ Volunteer Programme to Integrate Non-Local Talent into Community Service


HK Launches Talent⁺ Volunteer Programme to Integrate Non-Local Talent into Community Service


HK Launches Talent⁺ Volunteer Programme to Integrate Non-Local Talent into Community Service

2024-09-03 14:30 Last Updated At:09-04 00:28

Remarks by SLW on Talent+ Volunteer Programme and Social Workers Registration Board after officiating at HKTE Talent+ Volunteer Programme launching ceremony

Following are the remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, on the Talent⁺ Volunteer Programme and the Social Workers Registration Board at a media session together with the Director of Hong Kong Talent Engage (HKTE), Mr Anthony Lau, after officiating at the HKTE Talent⁺ Volunteer Programme launching ceremony this morning (September 3):

Reporter: Mr Sun, can you tell us why is it important or helpful to include non-local talent in volunteer service? Why is it important to launch such programme? Also, can you recap in English about how do you see the removal of Ms Chen Hung-sau from the Social Welfare Registration Board?

Secretary for Labour and Welfare: As I said at the beginning, for talent coming to Hong Kong, we think it will not just be part of life to make a contribution to our economy. We believe the best way to get them into our society is to have them as a part of Hong Kong to work together towards a more noble aim, which is to serve those in need. We have a very well-established culture of doing volunteer work. We believe, through the scheme, we are going to create a platform. For those coming to Hong Kong, if they really want to know more about Hong Kong, and if they want to work together with locals to contribute to our society, there is no better way than having them as part of our volunteers so they can work together with us. This is a first start today. With the platform in place, we expect more of the talent to join hands with Hong Kong local people. Together, we believe they can contribute to our society as volunteers, and we can also benefit from their expertise and also their passion towards Hong Kong.

On your second question, under the Social Workers Registration Ordinance, it is a legal requirement for the Social Workers Registration Board to submit their list of the members for the Disciplinary Committee Panel to us. If I, as the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, am satisfied with the list, we are going to publish it in the Gazette. I can confirm we have received the recommended list from the Board. After vetting the list, we are going to publish the list in the Gazette as part of the legal requirement. It is the duty and also the responsibility of the Social Workers Registration Board to deliberate among themselves and decide on the list of the members for the Disciplinary Committee Panel. I have full confidence in the Board, and I believe in coming up with the list, the Board has considered all relevant factors and come up with a list that can serve our community and also the profession in the best way. 

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

Correctional officers stop assault on person in custody

​Correctional Officers stopped four remand persons in custody assaulting another remand person in custody at Lai Chi Kok Reception Centre today (September 15).

At 9.37am today, four male remand persons in custody aged from 38 to 47 assaulted a 50-year-old male remand person in custody inside a dayroom. Officers at the scene immediately stopped the assailants and called for reinforcement.

During the incident, the victim sustained injuries to his head, chest and arm and was referred to a public hospital for further treatment after receiving examination and treatment at the institution hospital. The assailants did not sustain any injuries.

The case has been reported to the Police for investigation.

The five persons in custody were respectively remanded for the offences of trafficking in a dangerous drug, theft, burglary, etc.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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