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Commission on Children Meeting Focuses on Health and Values Education Initiatives for Schools


Commission on Children Meeting Focuses on Health and Values Education Initiatives for Schools


Commission on Children Meeting Focuses on Health and Values Education Initiatives for Schools

2024-09-04 18:50 Last Updated At:09-05 01:30

Commission on Children convenes 22nd meeting

The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, today (September 4) chaired the 22nd meeting of the Commission on Children.

At the meeting, members were briefed by the Department of Health on the Whole School Health Programme. Based on the health-promoting school concept of the World Health Organization, the Programme improves the health of students, school personnel, as well as families and other members of the community through schools. It covers four themes including physical activity, healthy eating, mental health and social well-being. The Student Health Service of the Department of Health will provide professional advice and comprehensive support to participating schools to systematically review and formulate school-based health promotion according to the schools' circumstances and students' health needs.

Members were also updated by the Education Bureau (EDB) on the latest developments in the curriculum and related support measures for values education. The Values Education Curriculum Framework (Pilot Version)(Curriculum Framework) serves as a guiding document for schools to plan their school-based values education curriculum, with the aim of cultivating proper values and attitudes in students from an early age. The Curriculum Development Council announced enhancements to the Curriculum Framework in 2023, including optimising the content of the Priority Values and Attitudes to emphasise the role of Chinese culture as the backbone of values education and to strengthen students' sense of belonging to the country and their national identity from childhood.Members acknowledged the importance of values education and supported the EDB's continuous efforts in supporting schools in implementing values education both within and beyond the classroom in an all-encompassing manner.

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Bicycle Accident in Lantau South Claims Life of 31-Year-Old Woman

2024-09-15 21:56 Last Updated At:22:08

Fatal traffic accident in Lantau South

Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident happened in Lantau South this afternoon (September 15) in which a woman died.

At around 3pm, a 31-year-old mainland woman was riding a bicycle along Keung Shan Road towards Tai O. When riding downslope, she reportedly lost her balance and fell at a bend, subsequently being run over by a coach driven by a 59-year-old man travelling in the opposite direction.

Sustaining serious head injuries, the woman was certified dead at scene.

The driver was arrested for dangerous driving causing death and is being detained for enquiries.

Investigation by the Special Investigation Team of Traffic, New Territories South is underway.

Anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers on 3661 1346.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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