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LCSD Urges Public to Avoid Shorelines During Cyclone Warning; Violators Face Fines and Imprisonment


LCSD Urges Public to Avoid Shorelines During Cyclone Warning; Violators Face Fines and Imprisonment


LCSD Urges Public to Avoid Shorelines During Cyclone Warning; Violators Face Fines and Imprisonment

2024-09-04 18:42 Last Updated At:09-05 01:31

Public urged not to visit beaches for water sports activities during passage of typhoon

Attention TV/ radio announcers:

Please broadcast the following as soon as possible:

As Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 is in force, the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) today (September 4)calls on members of the public to stay away from the shoreline during inclement weather, and should not conduct any water sports activities on beaches to avoid causing danger to themselves and rescue personnel.

The LCSD may decide to temporarily close beaches in response to changes in weather conditions. If members of the public enagage in water sports at beaches that have been temporarily closed, offenders may be fined up to HK$2,000 and imprisoned for 14 days. Members of the public are urged not to defy the law.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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Bicycle Accident in Lantau South Claims Life of 31-Year-Old Woman

2024-09-15 21:56 Last Updated At:22:08

Fatal traffic accident in Lantau South

Police are investigating a fatal traffic accident happened in Lantau South this afternoon (September 15) in which a woman died.

At around 3pm, a 31-year-old mainland woman was riding a bicycle along Keung Shan Road towards Tai O. When riding downslope, she reportedly lost her balance and fell at a bend, subsequently being run over by a coach driven by a 59-year-old man travelling in the opposite direction.

Sustaining serious head injuries, the woman was certified dead at scene.

The driver was arrested for dangerous driving causing death and is being detained for enquiries.

Investigation by the Special Investigation Team of Traffic, New Territories South is underway.

Anyone who witnessed the accident or has any information to offer is urged to contact the investigating officers on 3661 1346.

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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