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Labour Department Urges Employers to Ensure Flexible Work Arrangements After Severe Weather Conditions


Labour Department Urges Employers to Ensure Flexible Work Arrangements After Severe Weather Conditions


Labour Department Urges Employers to Ensure Flexible Work Arrangements After Severe Weather Conditions

2024-09-06 12:43 Last Updated At:09-07 01:26

Employers and employees should make reasonable work arrangements after tropical cyclones or rainstorms

The Labour Department (LD) today (September 6) reminded employers to make practical and reasonable work arrangements for employees after the cancellation of tropical cyclone warnings or rainstorm warnings, with due consideration to the road and traffic conditions and other factors, and make flexible arrangements for staff to resume work or work remotely (if applicable). This will help maintain good labour-management relations, and ensure the safety of employees as well as the smooth operation of organisations.

"For staff who have genuine difficulties in resuming work on time upon cancellation of a tropical cyclone or rainstorm warning, employers should be sympathetic and handle each case flexibly. For example, employers may allow employees to resume work in stages, permit employees who have difficulties in returning to workplaces to work remotely (if applicable) or allow more time for them to report for duty and resume work," an LD spokesman said.

The spokesman reminded employers to observe the statutory liabilities and requirements under the Employment Ordinance, Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance, Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance, Employees' Compensation Ordinance and Minimum Wage Ordinance.

"As natural calamities cannot be avoided, for employees who are not able to report for duty or resume duty on time due to adverse weather or 'extreme conditions', employers should neither deduct their wages, good attendance bonus or allowances, nor reduce employees' entitlement to annual leave, statutory holidays or rest days under the Employment Ordinance, or ask for additional hours of work from employees to compensate for the loss of working hours when they are unable to report for duty," the spokesman said.

Employers should note that they have an obligation to provide and maintain a safe working environment for their employees under the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance. Moreover, under the Employees' Compensation Ordinance, employers are liable to pay compensation for injuries or deaths incurred when employees are travelling by a direct route from their residence to their workplace, or from their workplace back to their residence after work, four hours before or after working hours on a day when Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or higher, a Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal or "extreme conditions" is in force.

The LD has published the "Code of Practice in Times of Adverse Weather and 'Extreme Conditions'", which provides the major principles, reference guidelines and information on relevant legislation on making work arrangements for the reference of employers and employees. The booklet can be obtained from branch offices of the Labour Relations Division or downloaded from the department's webpage (

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

Government launches $10 billion New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme to encourage setting up new smart production facilities

The Innovation and Technology Commission today (September 16) launched the New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme (NIAS) to provide funding support for enterprises in industries of strategic importance to set up new smart production facilities in Hong Kong. Eligible enterprises are welcome to apply.

"To promote the downstream development of new industrialisation, the Chief Executive announced the $10 billion New Industrialisation Acceleration Scheme in his Policy Address last year. It is hoped that the scheme can encourage enterprises to make use of innovation and technology to achieve smart production and enhance competitiveness," a spokesman for the Commission said.

Under the NIAS, the Government will provide funding support on a 1 (Government): 2 (enterprise) matching basis for enterprises engaging in industries of strategic importance (i.e. life and health technology, artificial intelligence and data science, advanced manufacturing and new energy technologies) to set up new smart production facilities in Hong Kong. For each project, the minimum total project cost is $300 million. The enterprise has to contribute no less than $200 million and the Government will cover a maximum of one-third of the total approved project cost or $200 million, whichever is lower. Each enterprise may have a maximum of two projects approved, receiving up to $200 million in total under the NIAS.

In addition, the Government will encourage enterprises with approved projects under the NIAS to carry out research or increase their scale of research in Hong Kong by providing additional funding for them to engage research talent, as well as facilitate such enterprises in employing non-local talent required for setting up or operation of new production facilities in Hong Kong.

The NIAS is open for application throughout the year. Details are available at the Innovation and Technology Fund website ( For enquiries, please contact the Secretariat of the NIAS (Tel: 3655 5678; email:

Source: AI-generated images

Source: AI-generated images

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