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Chinese VP calls for deepening solidarity, cooperation in Northeast Asia




Chinese VP calls for deepening solidarity, cooperation in Northeast Asia

2024-09-06 20:14 Last Updated At:22:57

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng on Thursday called for deepening cooperation in the Northeast Asia region while addressing the 9th Eastern Economic Forum in Russia's Far East city of Vladivostok.

Han said that the trend of peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit remains unstoppable despite the accelerating changes in the world unseen in a century and the turbulent international environment.

He noted that Chinese President Xi Jinping has put forward the significant concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, along with the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, contributing the "Chinese solution" to global governance, and providing confidence and momentum for the international community to jointly address challenges and achieve common development.

China is willing to work with countries in the region to deepen solidarity and cooperation, and jointly promote regional peace, stability, and prosperity, he added.

On deepening cooperation in Northeast Asia, Han made a three-point proposal.

First, uphold openness and inclusiveness. China firmly pursues a mutually beneficial strategy of opening up, promotes the construction of an open world economy, and opposes protectionism, decoupling and supply chains disruption, unilateral sanctions and maximum-pressure tactics. China is willing to strengthen solidarity with countries in the region, adhering to openness, fairness, mutual respect, and seeking cooperation and development together.

Second, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation. Countries in the Northeast Asia region need to actively seek more areas of common interest, jointly maintain the stability and smooth flow of industrial and supply chains, and strengthen cooperation in areas such as artificial intelligence, the digital economy, and the green economy to promote common development.

Third, develop security in a coordinated manner. China remains committed to being a defender of world peace and a promoter of global development, and resolutely opposes all forms of hegemonism and power politics, Cold War mentality, interference in other countries' internal affairs, and double standards.   Han said that the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Communist Party of China Central Committee has mapped out a grand blueprint for further deepening reforms and advancing Chinese modernization. He noted that Chinese modernization is a path of peaceful development, which benefits the world.

China will continue to promote high-quality development and a high level of opening up, creating more opportunities for the region and the world through its own development, and contributing its share to the modernization processes of both the region and the world, Han said.

During the discussion session, Han answered questions regarding China's foreign investment and cooperation in the Northeast-Far East region, China's contribution to regional and global economic growth, and the promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

This year's Eastern Economic Forum, themed "Far East 2030: Combining Strengths to Create New Potential", runs from Tuesday to Friday and is attended by people from the political, business, industrial and academic sectors of various countries.

Han also met with Igor Kobzev, the governor of Russia's Irkutsk region on Friday afternoon.

Chinese VP calls for deepening solidarity, cooperation in Northeast Asia

Chinese VP calls for deepening solidarity, cooperation in Northeast Asia

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Special event celebrating 75th anniversary of founding of PRC held in Berlin

2024-09-16 01:17 Last Updated At:04:17

A special cultural event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was held in Berlin, Germany on Saturday.

Titled "Written in the Sky: My China Story," the event was jointly organized by China Media Group (CMG), the Chinese Embassy in Germany, and the Center for Language Education and Cooperation under China's Ministry of Education.

During the event, the John Rabe Communication Center, the German Burg Chinese Chorus, the Federal Association for Economic Development and Foreign Trade, and the Federation of Germany-China Friendship Association officially joined the global partnership program of the "Written in the Sky: My China Story" campaign and were awarded certificates on Saturday.

The German Burg Chinese Chorus performed classic Chinese and German songs, including "On Wings of Song" and "Jasmine Flower." The Shenzhou-18 crew, currently in orbit, sent a video message from the space station and interacted with German teenagers.

The attendees of the event held in Berlin agreed that as the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative have gained increasing global support, China has not only brought opportunities to the world but also built bridges of friendship with people from various countries.

Attendees wrote their wishes for the PRC's 75th anniversary, expressing their commitment to continuing their stories with China to address global challenges and create a better future for humanity.

Shen Haixiong, president of CMG, stated that China aims to strengthen international people-to-people exchanges, promote dialogue among global civilizations, and enhance mutual understanding.

"We will portray the ultimate romantic warmth of Chinese culture, record the continuous legacy of human civilization, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind," said Shen.

Chinese Ambassador to Germany Deng Hongbo noted that both China and Germany have a profound cultural heritage, and their mutual appreciation and exchange of knowledge have been ongoing.

In an era of challenges, Deng emphasized the need for strengthened communication and cooperation, expressing hope that more young Germans will learn Chinese, develop an interest in Chinese culture, visit China, and become ambassadors of Sino-German friendship and exchange.

Nearly 200 attendees from various sectors, including politics, culture, diplomacy, economy, and trade, as well as young teachers and students, participated in the event.

Multiple mainstream European media, such as Italy's il Giornale and EU Reporter, covered the event, reaching a total audience of nearly 15 million in Europe.

Launched in March this year, the campaign “Written in the Sky: My China Story” has collected more than 1,600 stories from China and over 60 countries across the globe. It will also be held in other countries, including the U.S., Canada, Russia, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, and Nigeria.

Special event celebrating 75th anniversary of founding of PRC held in Berlin

Special event celebrating 75th anniversary of founding of PRC held in Berlin

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