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World Congress Against Fascism opens in Venezuela




World Congress Against Fascism opens in Venezuela

2024-09-11 14:47 Last Updated At:16:47

The World Congress Against Fascism, a two-day event, kicked off in the Venezuelan capital of Caracas on Tuesday, drawing hundreds of government and institutional representatives from nearly 30 countries across Latin America, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Delcy Eloina Rodriguez Gomez, Vice President of Venezuela, presided over the opening ceremony and noted that the congress would address the threat of "neofascism" and work on developing a joint action agenda.

The congress features six sub-forums covering topics such as "the rise of neofascism in Latin America and the Caribbean region", "strengthening international security cooperation" and "modern security threats". Many speakers highlighted the alarming spread of neofascism via social media, which they said fosters hatred, fear and anxiety.

During the congress, Venezuela has also engaged in bilateral meetings with delegations from various countries and signed agreements to enhance cooperation in economic and cultural fields.

This year's World Congress Against Fascism marks Venezuela's return to hosting the event after a two-year hiatus, with the previous edition held in April 2022.

World Congress Against Fascism opens in Venezuela

World Congress Against Fascism opens in Venezuela

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Celebration events held around world for Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

2024-09-17 21:53 Last Updated At:22:17

Featured traditional folk activities have been held in various countries to celebrate the Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, which fell on Sept 17 this year.

The Mid-Autumn Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar, has traditionally been a cherished occasion for family reunions.

In Mauritius, an island country in the Indian Ocean, a Mid-Autumn Festival cultural performance was held at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute in Moka on Saturday, with over 700 guests, including Mauritian Vice President Eddy Boissezon and Chinese Ambassador to Mauritius Zhu Liying, attending the event.

Meanwhile, in London China town -- one of the largest Chinatowns in Europe -- a celebration was held to honor the grand Chinese festival on Sunday. Over 200 overseas Chinese and British locals enjoyed shows including dragon and lion dances, as well as traditional Chinese opera.

Lord Mayor of Westminster Robert Rigby also said the celebration of traditional Chinese festivals has made the cultural exchange of the region more profound and colorful.

"It is wonderful to be here today to be celebrating what is really an important day here in the Chinese community, which is, of course, celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival. The Chinese community in Westminster is a deeply valued part of our wonderful city, from residents who have lived here for years to visitors, I am sure a lot of you are visitors, will enjoy the sights of the city, as part of our vacation. They all bring wonderful, unique perspectives and history that enrich the cultural tapestry of Westminster," he said.

Celebration events held around world for Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

Celebration events held around world for Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival

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