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UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year




UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

2024-09-19 06:05 Last Updated At:15:07

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) passed a non-binding resolution on Wednesday demanding an end to Israel's occupation of Palestinian territory within the next 12 months by an overwhelming margin.

The resolution was adopted with 124 votes in favor, 14 against and 43 abstentions, during the UNGA's 10th emergency special session considering Israeli actions in occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

The resolution demanding that Israel comply with all its legal obligations under international law, including advisory opinions by the International Court of Justice, was introduced by the State of Palestine on Tuesday and was co-sponsored by more than two dozen nations.

By the newly adopted resolution, the UNGA "demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which constitutes a wrongful act of a continuing character entailing its international responsibility and do so no later than 12 months from the adoption of the present resolution."

The UNGA also demands that Israel comply without delay with all its legal obligations under international law, including as stipulated by the International Court of Justice.

In remarks before the vote, Mohamed Issa Abushahab, the permanent representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations, said the humanitarian tragedy in Gaza must be addressed through unimpeded access to those in need, a ceasefire deal and the full implementation of all related Security Council resolutions.

A credible peace process must be relaunched to work towards a two-State solution to diffuse this conflict, he said, expressing support for the State of Palestine's full statehood and UN membership. "The time has come to end the suffering," he noted.

Introducing the draft resolution on Tuesday, Riyad Mansour, the permanent observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations, called for the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He said the Palestinian people have been steadfast in the pursuit of their inalienable rights, just like all other citizens worldwide who seek self-determination.

"The Palestinians want to live, not survive -- they want to be safe in their homes, they want their children to go to school without fear. They want to be free in reality as they are in spirit," said Mansour.

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

UNGA calls for end to Israeli occupation in Palestine within a year

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Technical improvements made to ensure successful launch of new BeiDou satellites

2024-09-19 14:41 Last Updated At:15:07

Chinese scientists have made technical improvements and launching process optimization to ensure a successful launch of two new satellites for the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System (BDS-3).

The two satellites, the 59th and 60th satellites of the BeiDou system, were launched at 09:09 (Beijing Time), Thursday, by a Long March-3B carrier rocket and the Yuanzheng-1 (Expedition-1) upper stage attached to the carrier rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China's Sichuan Province.

In order to ensure the launch successful, the mission team has improved launching technologies and optimized the process.

"In this mission, we launched the second group of backup MEO (medium-Earth orbit) satellites after the completion of the BeiDou-3 Navigation Satellite System. Compared with the MEO satellites launched during the network deployment phase, an idea of full-function chain was adopted when these two satellites were designed. Their functionality and performance, therefore, have been further enhanced in aspects such as the autonomous integrity monitoring, atomic clock technology and satellite-rocket connection. In this mission, the carrier rocket consists of the Long March-3B basic stage and the Yuanzheng-1 upper stage, which is essentially similar to those used in the network deployment phase. We have made improvements in the upper stage to increase reliability of attitude control during flight. In terms of launching process, we mainly took a parallel approach. For example, in this mission, tasks in the technical area are conducted in parallel with tasks in the launching area of the previous mission. In addition, for some inter-system tasks, we removed the sequential constraints through certain measures to allow for parallel execution. Meanwhile, we have enhanced the automation level of testing at the launch center to improve the efficiency of the processes," said Liu Zhenmin, an expert from the launch center.

Liu said that with great eagerness for the BeiDou system, especially the BDS-3, they have overcome challenges, made bold innovations, and completed all tasks to high standards.

After entering their orbit and completing in-orbit tests, the two new satellites will be connected to the BeiDou system, and are expected to further improve the reliability and stability of the BDS-3 system, said Liu.

He added that new technologies used on these two satellites will provide relevant experiment data for the design of the next generation of BeiDou satellites.

The BDS was initiated in 1994. The construction of BDS-1 and BDS-2 was completed in 2000 and 2012, respectively. When BDS-3 was completed and put into service on July 31, 2020, China became the third country to have an independent global navigation satellite system.

Technical improvements made to ensure successful launch of new BeiDou satellites

Technical improvements made to ensure successful launch of new BeiDou satellites

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