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Hong Kong Customs Seizes Record $10 Million Platinum Smuggling Shipment at Man Kam To Control Point


Hong Kong Customs Seizes Record $10 Million Platinum Smuggling Shipment at Man Kam To Control Point


Hong Kong Customs Seizes Record $10 Million Platinum Smuggling Shipment at Man Kam To Control Point

2024-09-19 16:20 Last Updated At:16:28

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected smuggled platinum worth about $10 million

Hong Kong Customs on September 13 seized eight platinum slabs, weighing about 41 kilograms in total, with an estimated market value of about $10 million, at the Man Kam To Control Point. This is the largest platinum-smuggling case detected by Customs on record in terms of the seizure weight and value.

Based on risk assessment, Customs on that day intercepted an outbound goods vehicle declared to be empty at the Man Kam To Control Point for inspection. Upon examination, Customs officers seized the batch of suspected smuggled platinum in the empty space of the vehicle's battery compartment. The 48-year-old male driver was subsequently arrested.

An investigation is ongoing.

Customs will continue to take stringent enforcement actions against cross-boundary smuggling activities through risk assessment and intelligence analysis.

Smuggling is a serious offence. Under the Import and Export Ordinance, any person found guilty of importing or exporting unmanifested cargo is liable to a maximum fine of $2 million and imprisonment for seven years.

Members of the public may report any suspected smuggling activities to Customs' 24-hour hotline 2545 6182 or its dedicated crime-reporting email account ( or online form (

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected smuggled platinum worth about $10 million  Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected smuggled platinum worth about $10 million Source: HKSAR Government Press Releases

Public consultation on reassignment of spectrum in 2.5/2.6 GHz band launched

The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (SCED) and the Communications Authority (CA) today (September 19) jointly launched a public consultation on the proposed arrangements for the reassignment of 50MHz of spectrum in the 2.5/2.6GHz band for the provision of public mobile services as well as the related spectrum utilisation fee (SUF).

The 50MHz of spectrum in the 2.5/2.6GHz band is currently deployed for the provision of fourth generation (4G) mobile services, with the existing assignments due to expire in May2028. The good radio propagation characteristics of spectrum in the band facilitates the deployment of radio base stations with wider geographical coverage, enabling the continued provision of public mobile services in a cost effective manner.

"As there are likely to be competing demands for the spectrum, the CA proposes to reassign it by way of auction. Under the technology neutral approach, prospective spectrum assignees may make use of the spectrum acquired for the provision of 4G, 5G or more advanced mobile services to meet the future demand for high-speed mobile broadband services and other innovative mobile technology applications," a spokesman for the CA said.

Similar to other spectrum assigned for public mobile services by way of auction, the SCED proposes that the SUF should reflect the full market value, and will set the auction reserve prices nearer the time.

"The auction ensures that spectrum as a scarce public resource will be put into the hands of those who value it the most and will consequently put it to the most efficient use, thereby benefiting the general public at large," a spokesman for the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) said.

Views and comments from the industry and other interested parties on the consultation paper are welcome on or before October 31. After taking into account the views and comments received, the SCED and the CA target to make their respective decisions no later than May2025, thereby giving a three-year advance notice to the incumbent spectrum assignees before the expiry of the existing assignments.

The consultation paper can be downloaded from the websites of the CEDB and the CA.

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