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China urges US to stop spreading "China Threat" theory




China urges US to stop spreading "China Threat" theory

2024-09-19 20:19 Last Updated At:09-20 02:37

China urges the United States to abandon its Cold-War mentality and stop distorting China's strategic intentions, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lin Jian on Thursday.

Lin made the remarks at a regular press conference in Beijing when responding to the U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell's allegation that China has emerged as the biggest challenge in the history of the United States.

"The US official made these remarks to peddle the 'China threat' narrative and advocate bloc confrontation in disregard of facts. They are steeped in Cold-War and zero-sum mentality and ideological bias. China strongly deplores this. The US has viewed the international landscape and identified China-US relations from the perspective of strategic competition, and wrongfully seen China as the 'top challenge.' The US is actually projecting its own hegemonic mentality onto other countries, and making a serious misjudgment on China and the China-US relations. This does not serve the fundamental interests of the two peoples, or meet the extensive aspiration of the international community. China is committed to carrying out friendly cooperation with all countries in the world, and we do not target any third party when developing normal relations with other countries. By contrast, the US has been strengthening its military alliances, patching up small groupings against China, and coercing other countries to choose sides," he said.

"China pursues a defensive national defense policy. We develop finite military capabilities to safeguard national security and we do not target any country. Who is flexing muscles and who is resorting to military means wantonly to solve problems? Facts fully prove that the international community has its fair judgment," Lin noted.

"China urges the US to discard its Cold-War and zero-sum mentality, stop spreading the 'China threat' narrative, stop misinterpreting China’s strategic intentions, act on President Biden’s 'five-noes' commitment, and work with China to uphold mutual respect, peaceful co-existence and win-win cooperation, and promote the steady, sound and sustainable development of China-US relations," he continued.

China urges US to stop spreading "China Threat" theory

China urges US to stop spreading "China Threat" theory

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China’s BDS sees smooth operation, thriving applications

2024-09-20 00:20 Last Updated At:01:17

China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), now providing global coverage, is operating smoothly and has seen rapid growth in its applications across a range of industries.

As China's independently developed satellite navigation system, BDS is one of the four global systems recognized by the United Nations.

Its development began with early proposals in the 1980s, leading to the official approval of the BDS-1 project in 1994. The past three decades have seen BDS evolved through a carefully phased strategy.

The system has progressed through three major stages. BDS-1 was completed in 2000, providing services within China.

Construction of BDS-2 began in 2004 and was completed in 2012, extending the system's coverage to the Asia-Pacific region.

Development of BDS-3, which began even before BDS-2 started providing regional services, was completed by 2020, enabling global coverage.

"Currently, BDS operates with stability and reliability, delivering outstanding performance. This ensures a solid foundation for large-scale applications, industrial development and global services," said Liu Dake, executive vice president of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Location Based Services (LBS) Association of China (GLAC), a non-profit association specializing in the GNSS and LBS industry.

The outstanding performance of the BDS comes from its unique hybrid constellation, which includes medium earth orbit (MEO), inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) and GEO satellites.

Satellites in different orbits, 21,000 and 36,000 kilometers from Earth, work together to provide continuous, high-precision positioning, navigation and timing services to users worldwide.

In recent years, the BDS-related industry in China has experienced rapid expansion. In 2023, the total output value of China's satellite navigation and positioning service industry reached 536.2 billion yuan (about 75.9 billion U.S. dollars), up 7.09 percent from the previous year.

"The scale of BDS applications is continually expanding, and the industry is now entering a new phase of large-scale application and high-quality development. With deeper integration of BDS with technologies such as 5G, cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, we anticipate new digital applications and innovative products and business models to emerge," said Yu Xiancheng, president of GLAC.

China’s BDS sees smooth operation, thriving applications

China’s BDS sees smooth operation, thriving applications

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