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Shanghai's housing market buoyant as new policies take effect




Shanghai's housing market buoyant as new policies take effect

2024-10-08 00:11 Last Updated At:04:27

标题: (首发上海,凤提交)上海:新政带动市场信心回升 新房带看量交易量增加(王)俊

【导语】 男:在这个国庆假期,上海的房地产市场上,乐观情绪也开始回归,部分楼盘带看量大幅增长。一起来看记者在上海的走访。 The housing market in Shanghai appears buoyant as new policies enhance house buyers' confidence.

In late September, major Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, introduced a wave of real estate policy adjustments aimed at revitalizing the property market.

【正文】 在上海浦东一处新楼盘的销售中心,记者注意到,短短十几分钟就有五、六组购房者来了解楼盘的房源情况。营销负责人告诉记者,自房地产新政实施以来,楼盘的带看量和成交量均出现明显上升,国庆期间每天人均要接待6组以上的客户。 In Shanghai's Pudong New District, visitors have flocked to property sales centers for consultations. The number of property inspections and transactions has noticeably increased since the new policies took effect, with each salesperson receiving six batches of visitors per day, according to a marketing manager.

【同期】路颖颖 上海某房地产项目营销负责人 每天的来访量大概是在100组左右。那较新政之前的话,每天大概上涨20%左右。国庆(假期)第一天是成交了十套,较之前相比的话提升了大概25%左右。 "The number of visits per day is about 100 groups, a 20 percent increase since the introduction of the new policies. In the first day of National Day holiday, we sold 10 properties, which is around 25 percent higher than before," said Lu Yingying, sales director of a real estate project.

【正文】 营销负责人表示,国庆期间楼盘推出了不少活动。 In addition to the new policies, some real estate projects have also introduced activities to further stimulate this trend.

【同期】张晓雪 上海某房地产项目营销总监 国庆 (假期)成交的客户当中,复访的客户就反而是占比比较高的,占到6到7成。新访的客户成交占比大概在2到3成。 "Among the buyers purchasing properties during the National Day holiday, about 60 to 70 percent were follow-up visitors, while new visitors accounted for around 20 to 30 percent," said Zhang Xiaoxue, another sales director of a real estate project.

【正文】 数据显示(数据来源:安居客),截至10月6日,上海国庆假期一手房累计成交577套,成交面积4.67万平方米。 According to statistics from an online real estate platform, the volume of first-hand home transactions during the holiday reached 577 in the first six days of the National Day holiday, which runs from Oct. 1 to 7.

标题: (首发上海,凤提交)上海:国庆假期二手房市场交易活跃度上升(王)

【导语】 女:不只是新房市场,在国庆期间,上海的二手房市场交易量也出现大幅增长。继续来看。 The transaction volume of the second-hand housing market has also increased significantly, with more visitors seeking information since the introduction of the new policies.

【同期】李文斌 上海市静安区某房屋中介门店经理 新政出来之后,咨询量就非常多。国庆期间这个带看量比9月份来讲是明显增加的,我们基本上就是一天每个人的带看量都是在3到5组。 "The volume of consultations has greatly increased after the new policies were implemented. Each salesperson is now leading three to five groups of potential buyers every day," said Li Wenbin, manager at a property agency.

【正文】数据显示(数据来源:安居客),假期前6天,上海二手房累计成交1537套,成交量约是去年同期的4.9倍。 Statistics from the same online real estate platform indicate that in the first six days of the National Day holiday, a total of 1,537 sets of second-hand homes were transacted in Shanghai, marking a 4.9-fold year-on-year increase.

Shanghai's housing market buoyant as new policies take effect

Shanghai's housing market buoyant as new policies take effect

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Israeli protesters call for ceasefire in anti-war demonstrations

2024-10-08 03:23 Last Updated At:04:27

Anti-war protests are held in major Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, every Saturday where people take to the street calling for a ceasefire in Gaza following nearly a year of conflict between Hamas and Israel.

"I'm tired of trying to do something that I think should be obvious and we shouldn't fight for things that are just basic things that I thought are very obvious in the country. So I am very tired and frustrated," said a protester named Ofri Piltz.

Israel has vowed to kill all persons involved in Hamas's attack on Israeli communities last October, which killed about 1,200 people.

The Palestinian death toll in Gaza from the ongoing Israeli attacks has risen to 41,870, Gaza-based health authorities said in a statement on Sunday.

"Replace the prime minister, have a reasonable government that will do the right thing," said another protester named Mosag Aizel.

"I think the only way forward is first to have a deal to return our hostages back to Israel, and then to have some kind of agreement with whoever living or controlling Gaza to create a future that both nations can live side by side, with a future that is positive for both sides," said Ofer Giador, another protester.

In the ensuing Israeli offensive in Gaza, most of the over 40,000 people killed by Israeli forces are civilians.

"My demand to the Israeli government is to first and foremost start with some empathy, care, value and to show that they want to do the right thing," said Peretz Shamir, another protester.

Israeli protesters call for ceasefire in anti-war demonstrations

Israeli protesters call for ceasefire in anti-war demonstrations

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