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China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan




China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan

2024-10-13 21:28 Last Updated At:22:07

China's first aircraft dismantling and recycling project is now underway at the Airbus Lifecycle Services Centre (ALSC) in Chengdu, a major aviation hub in southwest China's Sichuan Province, offering a new model of green circular economy in the aviation sector.

In the hangar of the service center, the initial dismantling work of a retired A330-200 wide-body aircraft has already been conducted through a collaboration between ALSC, Airbus China and Hengrui Corporation (HRC).

"We may divide the aircraft into different zones in the future, and our workers will dismantle components of the aircraft based on these different zones. The dismantling work for components in cabin and cockpit is expected to take around two months. Subsequently, we will carry out the de-decoration and cutting processes of the aircraft," explained Zhu Zixiang, a dismantling engineer at ALSC.

According to the staff there, the disassembled aircraft components will be reused in the aviation sector to cut operating expenses and minimized aircraft impact on the ecological environment. At present, around 60 to 70 percent of each aircraft’s components could be safely and effectively reused, recovered or recycled.

"Our goal for the first aircraft is to achieve a recycling rate of around 90 percent. Wide-body aircraft pose a greater challenge for recycling compared to narrow-body aircraft due to many composite materials in their fuselage, which are hard to be recycled and reused," said Yang Shudong, Business Development Director of ALSC. The project adopts innovative technologies from domestic enterprises to achieve efficient decomposition and reuse of carbon fiber composite materials, according to Wang Yongzhi, director from Hengrui Corporation, an innovative high-tech enterprise specialized in composite product developing and manufacturing,

"Composite materials have always been a problem that has remained unresolved globally. Because of our unique technology, we can break down carbon fiber composite materials, reclaim the carbon fiber, and then repurpose it. It is estimated that such a recovery rate may reach over 90 percent or even more than 95 percent," explained Wang.

China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan

China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan

China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan

China's first aircraft dismantling, recycling project underway in Sichuan

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Separatism-minded Lai widely recognized as lier, troublemaker: commentary

2024-10-13 21:06 Last Updated At:21:47

Public opinion on the Taiwan island has seen separatism-minded Lai Ching-te through as a lier and a troublemaker and carrying out "pro-independence" provocations will only jeopardize peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, according to a commentary from Riyuetantian, a social media account affiliated with China Media Group, on Sunday.

An edited English-language version of the commentary is as follows:

On Oct 10, Lai Ching-te delivered a speech, openly promoting the separatist fallacy of "Taiwan independence" and making up lies to create the illusion that "Taiwan independence is reasonable."

But in fact, big talker Lai is facing a crisis of trust because he has ignored the demands of the people on the island and stubbornly carried out "pro-independence" provocations since he took office. In order to continue to deceive the people on the island, Lai carefully crafted this speech.

But public opinion on the island has seen through Lai's lies and exposed his intention to intensify cross-Strait tensions and undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Many young people on the island said in interviews with local media that China has always been the great motherland of all Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots, and "we are all Chinese on both sides of the strait."

Scholars on the Taiwan Island said that Lai Ching-te just wanted to use misleading rhetoric to worm his way into the trust of swing and young voters.

Many media on the island published articles pointing out that no matter from a historical or cultural perspective, the motherland of Taiwanese people is China. Recently, a Taiwanese man who evacuated Lebanon with the mainland's evacuation operation said in an interview that "the mainland treats our Taiwanese compatriots equally, I have always known that my motherland is China."

Lai also touted Taiwan's so-called "sovereignty" in his speech, but a series of international documents clearly state that the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, and fully enjoys and exercises sovereignty over all of China, including Taiwan.

Lai Ching-te has been trying so hard in various ways and by using sophistry to sell these historical paradoxes and nonsense about "Taiwan independence," which shows that he indeed cannot break the historical and legal framework of "the two sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China" and can only resort to these tricks. However, judging from the reaction of public opinion on the island, no one buys the "new two-state theory," which is like a castle in the air.

Lai is well aware of the people's desire for peace on the island, so he preached "relying on strength to ensure peace," and used the hypocritical and sinister "defending peace" theory to deceive the people into pursuing "Taiwan independence" with him. Taiwan current affairs commentator Lai Yueh-chien pointed out that the people on the island have the most say of whether Lai Ching-te's "defending peace" theory is reliable or not. What people see is that since Lai took office, he has shown increasing tendency of pursuing "Taiwan independence," and cross-Strait relations have become more turbulent.

The truth is, there is no peace if anyone pursues "Taiwan independence."

Many analysts on the island pointed out that the most ridiculous thing is that Lai Ching-te, a "troublemaker" in the eyes of the international community, is still trying to build up a mirage of the whole world supporting "Taiwan independence."

A total of 183 countries in the world have established diplomatic relations with China and recognize that Taiwan is part of China. The one-China principle has gained extensive support from the international community.

Lai Ching-te should still have a vivid memory that right after he was announced as elected, Nauru immediately "severed its diplomatic ties" with Taiwan, and several so-called "diplomatic allies" also sent out signals of "abandoning Taiwan."

At the end of September, a bipartisan parliamentary delegation from Paraguay, Taiwan's only so-called "diplomatic ally" in South America, visited China. The head of the delegation, Garcia Mendez, said, "I firmly believe that the economic growth Paraguay needs is to establish diplomatic relations with China. There is only one China in the world."

Scholars on the island said that Lai Ching-te is actually relying on the support of a few anti-China forces in the United States and the West to play the same cliche of "democracy against authoritarianism." But ironically the recent scandals of U.S. arms sales and military aid to Taiwan show that Taiwan is just a pawn.

American media recently disclosed that the "Patriot" missile system and "Pave Paws" radar system sold by the United States to Taiwan involved price fraud. Several media on the Taiwan island also reported that the U.S. military aid to Taiwan has obvious quality problems such as rusted equipment, expired ammunition, and moldy bulletproof vests.

Most people on the island know that "Taiwan independence" will inevitably lead to war and disaster in Taiwan, and will not follow Lai Ching-te's footsteps to pursue "Taiwan independence." The lies fabricated by Lai can only deceive some people who are not aware of the situation. The so-called "October 10th" speech will be met with strong countermeasures from the mainland. Facts will prove that pursuing "Taiwan independence" will have no good end and will only bring disaster to the people of Taiwan.  

Separatism-minded Lai widely recognized as lier, troublemaker: commentary

Separatism-minded Lai widely recognized as lier, troublemaker: commentary

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