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South Carolina's McMaster is now the longest serving governor at the job he loves


South Carolina's McMaster is now the longest serving governor at the job he loves


South Carolina's McMaster is now the longest serving governor at the job he loves

2025-01-30 09:53 Last Updated At:10:00

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Wednesday was a big day for South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster. Yes, he gave his eighth State of the State address. And he became the Palmetto State's longest serving governor at 2,927 days, thanks in large part to his evolving political instincts over 40 years in politics and a boost from President Donald Trump.

It's another bit of history for the 77-year-old Republican who also is the oldest governor in South Carolina's 249 years as a state.

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South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, right, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, right, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, center, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, center, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

FILE - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, at left, congratulates current Governor Henry McMaster, middle, after he was sworn in by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, at left, congratulates current Governor Henry McMaster, middle, after he was sworn in by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump gestures with South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster during halftime in an NCAA college football game between the University of South Carolina and Clemson Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File)

FILE - Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump gestures with South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster during halftime in an NCAA college football game between the University of South Carolina and Clemson Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File)

FILE - South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks at a news conference revealing his proposal for the state budget on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins, File)

FILE - South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks at a news conference revealing his proposal for the state budget on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins, File)

FILE - South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, at left, is sworn in as by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty, at right, during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. In middle is McMaster's wife Peggy. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, at left, is sworn in as by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty, at right, during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. In middle is McMaster's wife Peggy. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

McMaster didn't mention the milestone in Wednesday night's speech before the General Assembly. His staff has politely waved off requests for a big retrospective. A reporter did ask him last week how it felt to be on the cusp of such an achievement.

“Well, all you have to do is stay alive," McMaster said.

South Carolina originally had two-year terms for governor, and they could not seek reelection. That was later extended to four-year terms and not until 1980 did the state allow a governor to serve two consecutive terms.

Since then, three governors have made it all eight years, and thanks to the quirk of the calendar and inauguration dates Democrat Dick Riley served eight years plus four days from 1979 to 1987.

McMaster should blow well past the Riley record because he took over for Gov. Nikki Haley in 2017 when Trump appointed her U.N. ambassador during his first term. McMaster finished the last two years of that term and has been reelected twice. His final term runs out in January 2027.

McMaster was born in Columbia, got both his undergraduate and law school degrees from the University of South Carolina and speaks like a native. Always a Republican in a state flush with Democrats as he grew up, McMaster was a legislative assistant for U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond in the early 1970s.

He's one of the few Republicans left in office who has lost to a Democrat. McMaster took on U.S. Sen. Ernest “Fritz” Hollings in 1986 and was trounced. He got 36% of the vote and won only one county.

McMaster later led the South Carolina Republican Party as it took over the Legislature, power it has not relented. He was elected state attorney general and planned to used that as a stepping stone to governor but finished a distant third in 2010 Republican primary with just 17% of the vote. Several political obituaries were written.

McMaster aligned with Haley and was elected lieutenant governor in 2014. Then came perhaps his savviest political move.

At a January 2016 rally, McMaster became the highest ranking state officer in the U.S. to endorse Trump's candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination, calling him a “man of action” at a time many establishment Republicans were trying to get momentum for some alternative.

So when Trump won the presidency 10 months later, he said he had offered McMaster whatever he wanted. McMaster wanted the governor's office, so Trump offered a job to Haley so the lieutenant governor could move up.

McMaster loves his job. On many of the weekly schedules released by his office, he is traveling the state speaking to Rotary clubs or giving out South Carolina's highest honor, the Order of the Palmetto.

His eight years have been much more harmonious at the Statehouse. Unlike Haley and Gov. Mark Sanford, McMaster has no greater ambition. He's willing to work with both parties in the General Assembly and managed to accomplish things not usually embraced by conservatives like raising teacher pay and protecting pristine land from development.

“He at least recognizes there is some General Assembly required,” said Democratic Rep. Gilda Cobb-Hunter, the House's longest serving member at 33 years. “He's been easy to work with even though I don't agree with many of his policies. I like him personally. You know, it's business.”

McMaster's State of the State address Wednesday hit on the same themes as past speeches. He is set in his ways. McMaster wants to continue to increase teacher pay. He wants fewer regulations to help businesses and more money to be set aside to conserve land. He wants more resources to study inefficiencies in South Carolina’s colleges and universities and even to stop illegal dogfighting.

It took him a little time to make it to the front of the House chamber. There were hugs to give, hands to shake and selfies. At the podium to hold up early in his speech was his well-marked edition of “South Carolina: A History,” the 1999 book authored by historian Walter Edgar he frequently cites.

But he did look both backward and forward. He mentioned the 250th anniversary of the Revolutionary War and declared that South Carolina's “history and culture are unsurpassed in the creation of this nation.”

And then he asked what South Carolina would be like 100 years from now.

“We’ve answered that question. For years we’ve invested billions of dollars in time and talent in education to prepare our children to build their lives and economy. And we’ve invested billions in our lands and waters to protect our health, expand our economy, preserve life in all its forms for its beauty and wonder, our education and joy, and the fulfillment of our duty to nourish the Lord’s Garden,” McMaster said.

McMaster is at his best one-on-one, whether he recruiting international business leaders or working a county GOP meeting, said Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, whose political career started a decade after McMaster's.

“He’s made our state a prosperous, good place to do business,” Graham told reporters this week. ”He’s a dear friend, and I think he’s going to go down in history as one of the greatest governors we’ve ever had.”

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, right, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, right, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, center, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, center, gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster gives his State of the State speech Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins)

FILE - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, at left, congratulates current Governor Henry McMaster, middle, after he was sworn in by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, at left, congratulates current Governor Henry McMaster, middle, after he was sworn in by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump gestures with South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster during halftime in an NCAA college football game between the University of South Carolina and Clemson Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File)

FILE - Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump gestures with South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster during halftime in an NCAA college football game between the University of South Carolina and Clemson Saturday, Nov. 25, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Chris Carlson, File)

FILE - South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks at a news conference revealing his proposal for the state budget on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins, File)

FILE - South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster speaks at a news conference revealing his proposal for the state budget on Monday, Jan. 13, 2025, in Columbia, S.C. (AP Photo/Jeffrey Collins, File)

FILE - South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, at left, is sworn in as by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty, at right, during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. In middle is McMaster's wife Peggy. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

FILE - South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, at left, is sworn in as by S.C. Chief Justice Don Beatty, at right, during a ceremonial swearing in at the Statehouse Tuesday Jan. 24, 2017, in Columbia, S.C. In middle is McMaster's wife Peggy. (AP Photo/Mic Smith, File)

維也納--(BUSINESS WIRE)--二月 18, 2025--

(美國商業資訊)-- 今天,國際商會(ICC)轄下的一個仲裁庭就PharmaEssentia Corp.(「PharmaEssentia」)與AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH(「AOP Health」)之間的糾紛送達了對AOP Health有利的部分終局裁決。該案的核心是雙方因授權協議爭議而產生的損害賠償對等索賠。



爭議的焦點在於羅培干擾素α-2b,此藥物於2019年上市,AOP Health透過全面的臨床試驗計畫,將其開發成治療罕見血癌,尤其是真性紅血球增多症的創新療法(BESREMi®)。這使得BESREMi®成為該適應症臨床試驗中研究結果最佳的干擾素,並記載於主要相關指南 1 中。AOP Health於2009年從PharmaEssentia取得BESREMi®在歐洲、獨立國家國協(CIS)和中東市場的開發和商業化權利。在BESREMi®獲得歐洲藥品管理局(EMA)批准後的第六年,AOP Health已在其許可領域內成功向約9,000名病患提供BESREMi®。


自2017年起,PharmaEssentia屢次尋求終止與AOP Health有關BESREMi®的協議。2020年10月,國際商會仲裁庭裁定這些申訴不合理。AOP Health因PharmaEssentia造成的專案延誤而獲得約1.43億歐元的損害賠償,而PharmaEssentia的反訴被駁回。



2020年11月,PharmaEssentia對AOP Health提起法律訴訟,要求損害賠償。AOP Health則針對PharmaEssentia造成BESREMi®的歐洲核准延遲,以及PharmaEssentia濫用AOP Health的臨床試驗資料以取得美國上市授權提出損害賠償。

結果:部分終局裁決AOP Health勝訴

儘管部分終局裁決在PharmaEssentia故意違約和數項索賠責任方面裁定AOP Health勝訴,但仲裁庭尚未就這些索賠的金額作出裁決。

AOP Health支持這一裁決,並將繼續為有需要的病患提供羅培干擾素α-2b(BESREMi®)。

AOP Health的兩位創辦人之一的Rudolf Widmann博士解釋說:「 我們很高興國際商會仲裁庭再次做出對我們有利的決定。但我們仍然認為,只有找到一個既能克服過去的困難,又可以因應未來合作中的挑戰的聯合解決方案,才能達成一個對病患最有利的結果。我們願意專注於共同的目標,而非分歧。



BESREMi®(羅培干擾素α-2b)是一種長效型單聚乙二醇化脯氨酸干擾素(ATC L03AB15)。最初為每兩週施用一次,或在血液學參數穩定後最多每四周給藥一次。BESREMi®設計為使用注射筆自我皮下給藥。


關於AOP Health

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH(簡稱「AOP Health」)總部位於奧地利,是一家扎根於該國的全球性醫療保健集團。自1996年以來,AOP Health Group一直致力於開發創新的解決方案,以解決尚未被滿足的醫療需求,特別是在罕見疾病和重症醫學領域。

2024年底,AOP Health針對重症加護病房病患的藥物Rapiblyk首度獲得美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)核准,進一步鞏固了其為全球病患提供治療方案的承諾。AOP Health Group已成為國際上整合療法解決方案的先驅,並透過子公司、代表處和強大的合作夥伴網路在全球營運。

AOP Health Group以 「需求、科學、信任。」(Needs. Science. Trust.) 為宗旨,強調了其對研究與發展的承諾,以及與醫師和病患權益團體建立關係的重要性,從而確保這些利害關係人的需求能在AOP Health Group各方面的行動中得到體現。


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CONTACT: Mag. Nina Roth





Copyright Business Wire 2025.

PUB: 02/18/2025 05:16 AM/DISC: 02/18/2025 05:16 AM

肖像:Rudolf Widmann博士 | 董事會成員兼創辦人 | AOP Health | 照片來源:AOP Health | Ospelt Photography

肖像:Rudolf Widmann博士 | 董事會成員兼創辦人 | AOP Health | 照片來源:AOP Health | Ospelt Photography

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