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China to strengthen international cooperation on AI capacity building: envoy




China to strengthen international cooperation on AI capacity building: envoy

2024-07-02 21:34 Last Updated At:22:27

China is working to strengthen international cooperation on capacity building of artificial intelligence (AI), especially with developing countries, said Fu Cong, China's permanent representative to the United Nations.

Fu made the comments in a recent interview with China Global Television Network on the sidelines of the 78th session of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) in New York City.

The 78th session of the UNGA on Monday unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by China and co-sponsored by over 140 countries, on strengthening international cooperation on capacity building of AI.

The resolution on "Enhancing International Cooperation on Capacity-building of Artificial Intelligence" emphasizes that the development of artificial intelligence should adhere to "the principles of being human-centered", promoting beneficial intelligence, and benefiting humanity.

Fu said China is willing to enhance cooperation in the field of AI with all countries, especially developing countries.

"China is working on our own resolution on AI, emphasizing capacity building, especially for developing countries. And we are also working first and foremost with our friends and partners in developing countries, but also with Western countries, including the United States. And we do hope that they can join us in adopting, by consensus again, a resolution on capacity building related to AI," he said.

China to strengthen international cooperation on AI capacity building: envoy

China to strengthen international cooperation on AI capacity building: envoy

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Well-wishers gather in Danshube to welcome Xi's motorcade

2024-07-05 02:42 Last Updated At:04:17

Crowds of well-wishers gathered on the streets of the Tajik capital Danshube on Thursday to give a warm welcome to Chinese President Xi Jinping's motorcade as it made its way from the airport to the hotel on Thursday evening.

Huge banners were seen among the welcoming crowds reading in Chinese "Wish President Xi Jinping's visit to Tajikistan a great success" and "Warmly welcome President Xi Jinping to visit Tajikistan", while those assembled by the roadside also waved national flags of China and Tajikistan. Xi arrived in Danshube on Thursday for a state visit at the invitation of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon, with this being his first trip to the Central Asian country for five years.

Well-wishers gather in Danshube to welcome Xi's motorcade

Well-wishers gather in Danshube to welcome Xi's motorcade

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