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UN official calls for meaningful peace dialogues amid prolonged global conflicts




UN official calls for meaningful peace dialogues amid prolonged global conflicts

2024-09-22 20:02 Last Updated At:20:37

Governments around the world should strive for meaningful dialogues and political consensus amid longer and more complex global conflicts where refugees are blocked from returning home or access to necessities, said an official of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Ewan Watson, head of Global Communication for UNHCR, made the statement in an interview with China Global Television Network (CGTN) in Geneva on Wednesday.

The UN official said that compared with decades ago, conflicts now involve multiple parties and thus become increasingly complex, causing the situations too volatile for refugees to return home.

"Of course, conflicts now are going on ever longer. So, whereas perhaps 20, 30 years ago, there would be conflicts, of course, but those conflicts would find some sort of resolution, and then people could go back home, ultimately. That is happening on very few occasions now," he said.

According to a UN report released in June, the number of people forced to flee their homelands have been on the rise for 12 years, reaching 117.3 million by the end of 2023.

The report highlighted the impacts of conflicts on forced displacement, saying that as the frequency, duration and intensity of conflicts increase, the number of people forced to flee each year grew as well.

"Frankly, because the world seems to have forgotten how to make peace. These conflicts just go on and on and then of course as they do so, they also become more and more complex, because it's not just one country fighting another country, they are very splintered and complex with lots of armed non-state groups operating. It makes moving around very difficult. It makes just the whole country highly volatile and unstable. And that, of course, means less people can go back because they don't feel safe to do so. There's not the environment and conditions for them to do so," said Watson.

The increasingly complex situations on the ground have been challenging the organization's operations, said the official, adding that getting permission to travel between conflict zones is one of the most pressing issues.

The UN has repeatedly stressed the serious challenges the aid workers are facing, especially over recent years when their death toll has been rising dramatically. According to an August post of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 280 aid workers were killed in 33 countries in 2023, marking a 137-percent increase compared with 2022.

The post said 2024 may be on track for an even deadlier outcome, quoting data released by Aid Worker Security Database that as of August 7, 172 aid workers have been killed. "So, that's an enduring challenge, as you can imagine. And a lot of our work is about the painstaking process of ensuring that we have the humanitarian access we need, especially in the emergency settings, that we can actually have the permission and understanding of the different parties to conflicts to be able to travel from A to B where displaced people and refugees are," he said.

Facing intensifying conflicts, deteriorating humanitarian crisis for refugees, and rising aid worker fatalities, the official stressed that governments across the world and the UN Security Council should make genuine efforts to eliminate conflicts so as to ensure long-term peace.

"So I think what needs to happen is the governments of this world and the Security Council really need to be able to find routes to peace and have meaningful peace dialogues and find that political consensus towards peace, have those difficult conversations convene, fighting parties hammer out peace. That is our consistent plea, because without that we go nowhere," he said.

UN official calls for meaningful peace dialogues amid prolonged global conflicts

UN official calls for meaningful peace dialogues amid prolonged global conflicts

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Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

2024-09-22 19:45 Last Updated At:20:27

The Palestinian issue is poised to take center stage at the upcoming United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session, with China expected to play a pivotal role following its mediation in a reconciliation agreement between Palestinian factions.

At China's invitation, senior representatives of 14 Palestinian factions held reconciliation talks in Beijing in late July, and signed the Beijing Declaration on Ending Division and Strengthening Palestinian National Unity. The signing of the declaration came amid a large-scale conflict in the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7, 2023, leaving 41,391 Palestinians dead as of Saturday.

The Arab countries welcomed the agreement, saying it would end the 17-year internal division between the two Palestinian rivals, Fatah and Hamas, and promote security and peace in the Middle East

"Beijing made huge efforts to reach that agreement. Strategically, China supports the Palestinian people, and these recent efforts have aimed to break the deadlock in the reconciliation among Palestinian decision-makers. All Palestinians recognize that reconciliation is a priority. China has been helpful in this regard, with tangible steps expected," said Ayman Rigib, professor of political science at the University of Jerusalem.

Aligning with the Arab position, China has called for the enforcement of UN resolutions to achieve peace in the Middle East, advocating for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

"This session will be critical for addressing various issues, particularly the Palestinian issue, as well as other critical situations in the region and beyond. But the Palestinian case will be the priority amongst them during this session. Thus, the focus on reconciliation and its promotion in the region and beyond is essential for gaining international support. Because the Palestinian reconciliation can lead to the emergence of a unified Palestinian entity," said Al-Azab Al-Taher, deputy editor in chief, Arab Political Affairs, Al Ahram.

The general debate of the 79th session of the General Assembly will open on Sept 24 and continue through Sept 28.

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

Arab countries expect China's role in resolving Palestinian issue at UNGA

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