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Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum




Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

2024-09-13 10:25 Last Updated At:16:27

Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulatory letter to the 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum that opened in Beijing on Friday.

In the congratulatory letter, Xi pointed out that faced with profound change of a scale unseen in a century, and also the aspirations of people around the world for security and stability, China has been implementing the Global Security Initiative, building consensus among all parties, working to eliminate the root causes of international conflicts and improving global security governance, thus making unremitting efforts to build a world of lasting peace and universal security.

It is hoped that the current forum will continue to uphold the spirit of equality, openness, inclusiveness and mutual learning, build consensus and deepen mutual trust, so as to make new and greater contributions to jointly addressing global security challenges and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, Xi said.

The Global Security Initiative was proposed by Xi in 2022.

Over 1,800 guests from more than 100 countries and international organizations were present at the forum.

Initiated in 2006, the Beijing Xiangshan Forum is a high-level security and defense forum in the Asia-Pacific with significant international influence.

Themed "Promoting Peace for a Shared Future," this year's forum consists of four plenary sessions, eight special sessions, as well as other feature activities.

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

Xi sends congratulatory letter to 11th Beijing Xiangshan Forum

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China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

2024-09-18 09:52 Last Updated At:11:07

A bell-ringing ceremony was held to mark the 93rd anniversary of the September 18 Incident in front of a monument at the September 18 Incident History Museum in Shenyang City, northeast China's Liaoning Province, on Wednesday.

It was on this fateful day in 1931 when Japanese troops blew up a section of the railway near Shenyang under their control, and accused Chinese troops of sabotage as a pretext for subsequent aggression against China.

Representatives of people from all walks of life struck a bell 14 times, symbolizing the 14 years of fight against Japanese aggressors by the Chinese people. The bell was cast with the words "Never forget national humiliation".

At 09:18, 14 cities in Liaoning sounded air raid sirens for three minutes, while vehicles came to a halt and honked their horns, and citizens were standing in silent tribute to mark this dark chapter in history. Ships and trains also sounded their sirens.

For years, China has kept marking the September 18 Incident.

The incident sparked Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

The 1931-1945 Japanese invasion caused more than 35 million casualties among Chinese troops and civilians, accounting for one third of the WWII casualties worldwide.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, China fought with two-thirds of Japan's army, making a major contribution to the allied victory in WWII.

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

China holds ceremony to mark 93rd anniversary of Sept 18 Incident

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