荷里活經典電影「綠野仙蹤」女主角朱迪·嘉蘭(Judy Garland)在劇中穿著的「紅寶石鞋」將於12月7日拍賣,鞋子曾在近20年前失竊,直到近年才失而復得。
法新社報導,1939年電影「綠野仙蹤」(The Wizard of Oz)風靡全球,是經得起時間考驗的經典,劇中道具「紅寶石鞋」(Ruby slippers)目前只有4雙依然存在於世上。
Did the shoe sizes change since "The Wizard of Oz" first enchanted audiences?
— CBS Saturday Morning (@cbssaturday) November 29, 2024
A pair of Dorothy’s iconic ruby slippers, worn on-screen by Judy Garland, are now set to be auctioned. @CBSMMiller will have the story behind the iconic shoes on CBS Saturday Morning. pic.twitter.com/SN5TMmeKOh
紅寶石鞋將拍賣 估價達300萬美元
傳統拍賣公司(Heritage Auctions)已在倫敦展示「紅寶石鞋」,之後將於12月7日在美國德州達拉斯(Dallas)拍賣,預估售價可達300萬美元(約2334萬港元)。
Bidding has climbed over $1 million at an auction of the ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in "The Wizard of Oz." Dorothy's iconic heels were stolen from a Minnesota museum in 2005 and recovered by the FBI in 2018. pic.twitter.com/hOk48Lijcm
— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) November 29, 2024
曾在2005年神秘失竊 2018年才失而復得
這些「紅寶石鞋」曾被收藏在朱迪·嘉蘭的家鄉美國明尼蘇達州大急流城(Grand Rapids)的「朱迪嘉蘭博物館」(Judy Garland Museum),曾在2005年神秘失竊,直到2018年才失而復得。
The ruby red slippers worn by Dorothy in the movie "Wizard of Oz" could fetch more than $3 million. https://t.co/c2YmIJSvme
— WWL-TV (@WWLTV) November 29, 2024
偷竊者馬丁(Terry Martin)承認偷走這些「紅寶石鞋」,並稱這是因為他相信這些鞋子鑲嵌著真正的紅寶石。