綜合外媒報導,英國一名25歲健身教練帕特爾(Dilan Patel)日常生活習慣正常,但長期以來遭受夜間盜汗和皮膚奇癢等症狀困擾。他透露,自己每到夜裡就頻繁出汗,常常在夢中醒來,且醒來後衣服及床單已經濕透。起初,他以為是氣候炎熱所致,因此並未引起重視。
直至2年後,帕特爾的症狀日益嚴重,全身奇癢無比,每日需要隨身攜帶乳液擦拭皮膚才能緩解瘙癢。於是,他向家庭醫生求診,經過全面檢查後,醫生在他的體內發現了5個腫瘤,其中一個甚至長在肺部,最終被確診為「霍奇金氏淋巴瘤」(Hodgkin lymphoma)第四期。
@dnafitnessuk You won’t believe it... I was 25 years old, living my life like any other young adult - working hard, working out, hanging with friends, and trying to figure out my future. Life felt normal. I had no reason to think anything was wrong. But then something strange started happening. I’d wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat. I mean SOAKED. My clothes, my bed - everything would be wet. It happened 2-3 times every single night. At first, I just thought, ‘Maybe I’m getting too hot under the covers?’ So I brushed it off. Weeks turned into months, and the night sweats didn’t stop. Looking back now, there were other signs, too. I was exhausted all the time, but I just thought it was because I was working long hours. My skin was unbelievably itchy - so much so that I carried lotion around with me everywhere, convinced it was just dry skin. I even noticed lumps on my neck, but I thought they were my muscles growing from all my workouts at the gym. Everything had an explanation - or so I thought. But eventually, I started feeling worse so I went to the doctor. Nothing could’ve prepared me for what they told me. At just 25 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage 4B Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Five tumours. It had even spread to my lung. I couldn’t believe it. I’d spent so long brushing off my symptoms, convincing myself they weren’t a big deal. But my body had been screaming at me for almost 2 years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this experience, it’s to pay attention to your body. Those little signs and symptoms? They’re there for a reason. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
♬ som original - LK Nostalgia