美國紐約消防員哈迪森(Patrick Hardison)在十五年前救火時嚴重受傷致毀容,多年來接受多達71次手術,不斷服食止痛藥,家庭生活盡毀,直到去年他接受歷來最大範圍的面部移植手術重過新生,見傳媒時說了一句「The road to recovery has been long and hard, if I had the opportunity to do it again, I’d do it in a heartbeat」。
哈迪森的意思是指復康之路漫長而艱辛,但如果再有一次手術機會,他會毫不猶豫,在香港人口語當中即是「諗都唔使諗」,形容一個人十分果斷,沒有半點遲疑。要表達當機立斷,除了哈德森所講的「In a heart beat」,英文還有其他講法。
有雜誌引述消息指,Cheryl已忘記過去準備好與Liam Payne過新生活。Liam已成為Cheryl的一切,她會毫不猶疑跟他結婚。
A source told the magazine,"Cheryl has moved on and is ready to start a new life with Liam Payne. He means everything to her, and she'd marry him in a heartbeat.”
The two presidential candidates were asked to say something positive about each other. Hillary Clinton laughed and replied first without hesitation, “I respect his children, they are incredibly honourable and devoted, I don't agree with everything he says but as a mother and grandmother that is very important to me.”
Mr Eng
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