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對《立場新聞》案裁決暴跳抓狂的人 究竟為哪般?


對《立場新聞》案裁決暴跳抓狂的人 究竟為哪般?


對《立場新聞》案裁決暴跳抓狂的人 究竟為哪般?

2024年09月06日 21:21 最後更新:09月23日 18:51



那些組織和個人對待新聞自由完全是虛偽雙標。這一點只要舉幾個新近的例子就可以看得很清楚。8月24日,電報(Telegram)創始人帕維爾·杜羅夫(Pavel Durov)在法國被捕,逮捕理由是電報平台缺乏監管,導致其被惡意用於犯罪活動。作為全球知名社交媒體平台,電報比《立場新聞》的影響力大得多。如果那些組織和個人真的關心所謂的「新聞自由」,對此事似乎應有更大的關注才對,但他們卻「萬馬齊喑」了。8月9日,英格蘭北部利茲市一名法官判處一名28歲男子20個月監禁,因該男子曾在社交媒體上發表「意圖煽動種族仇恨」的內容。那些組織和個人,包括幾位英國政客在內,為什麼不幫助「身邊人」發聲,卻對萬里之外的香港的一個案件如此上躥下跳?很顯然,他們並非真正關心新聞自由,而是借機抹黑詆毀香港特區罷了,其背後的政治動機早被世人洞悉。




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2024年10月16日 12:59 最後更新:13:16



亞非法協香港區域仲裁中心是亞洲—非洲法律協商組織(AALCO)六個國際區域仲裁中心的其中一個,亞非法協香港區域仲裁中心及其餘兩個區域仲裁中心在解決體育相關爭議方面有充足的經驗。有中央政府以及另外 48個亞洲非洲法律協商組織成員國支持下的AALCO,不僅能把國際標準帶來香港,更能提供低成本、高效的替代性爭議解決服務,通過調解和仲裁確保公平競爭,維護體育操守,保障當事人的合法權益。


體育相關爭議解決往往需要特定的相關專業知識和理解。亞非法協香港區域仲裁中心提供調解和仲裁課程給有志者(包括現役/退役運動員、裁判、本地體育總會的董事/員工、或對體育爭議解決有興趣的人士),可以進修選擇成爲調解員或仲裁員。我們會協助培訓運動員,讓他們學習調解方面的知識,反之亦然。作爲一個好的調解員,除了具備調解技巧,也要對體育行業有一定的認識。中心也會訓練調解員,讓他們具備行業洞察力。就著以上,霍啟剛, JP與本人正積極探討透過中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會管轄下的香港奧林匹克學院為體育協會合作開展能力建設活動。


本人亦即將聯同霍啓剛, JP及一群熱愛體育的律師出版一本有關香港體育法律的書藉。希望大家能藉此多認識體育有關的法律,一同「做大體育市場」!

Develop sports dispute resolution services

As Hong Kong delegate to the National People's Congress and the Director of the AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre, I am very pleased to have successfully secured the recognition and support of the HKSAR government in promoting the establishment of a sports dispute arbitration mechanism in the latest policy address.

Professional analysts estimate that by 2028, the global sports market will surpass US$680 billion. This mechanism, facilitated by a third party, will not only enhance the governance level of Hong Kong's sports industry but also provide better support and protection for athletes. It aims to continue moving toward supporting elite sports, enhancing professionalism, maintaining Hong Kong as a center for major international sports events, developing sports as an industry, promoting sports in the community, and popularizing effective dispute-resolution mechanisms.

The AALCO Hong Kong Regional Arbitration Centre (AALCO-HKRAC) is one of the six international regional arbitration centers under the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). The Hong Kong regional centre together with two other regional arbitration centers have extensive experience in resolving sports-related disputes. AALCO, supported by the central government and its 48 member states, can bring international standards to Hong Kong. It also offers low-cost and efficient alternative dispute resolution services, ensuring fair competition, upholding sports ethics, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved through mediation and arbitration.

AALCO-HKRAC has instituted a panel of mediators and arbitrators, and will actively train arbitrators and mediators with sports expertise to resolve sports-related disputes and mediators to enrich Hong Kong’s talent pool for dispute resolution.

Sports-related dispute resolution often requires professional knowledge and understanding of the industry. AALCO-HKRAC will introduce a sports dispute training program tailored for individuals to those who are interested (including current/retired athletes, referees, directors/employees of national sports federations, or people interested in sports dispute resolution) who can pursue further studies and choose to become mediators or arbitrator. We will provide training for athletes to understand the principles of mediation, while also equipping mediators with insights into the sporting industry. A successful mediator not only requires strong mediation skills but also a deep understanding of the specific field they are engaging with. In view of the above, Kenneth Fok, JP and I are actively exploring the possibility of cooperating with the Hong Kong Olympic Academy to organize capacity-building activities for sports associations.

Going to court is not the most time and cost-effective way to resolve sports-related disputes. AALCO-HKRAC’s “Sports Industry Mediation and Arbitration Rules” considers the needs of the Hong Kong sports industry and uses alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to resolve sports disputes in a fair, just and fair manner, with the use of LawTech.

Personally, I, together with Kenneth Fok, JP and a group of dedicated lawyers with a passion for sports is set to publish a new book on sports law in Hong Kong. This forthcoming publication aims to enhance understanding of sports-related legal frameworks and encourage collaboration to expand the sports market in the region.


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