哈欽斯學校是澳洲最古老的著名男校 曾是昆伯勒公墓的一部分
據澳洲新聞網報導,位於霍巴特市(Hobart)的哈欽斯學校(Hutchins School)是澳洲最古老的著名男校。其現址曾是昆伯勒公墓(Queenborough Cemetery)的一部分,在1873至1934年間埋葬了多達1.3萬人。霍巴特市議會於1920世紀初接管該地後,在1960年將部分區域售予哈欽斯學校使用。
During building works at The Hutchins School in Hobart in 2024, bones were found after the discovery of almost 2,000 bodies believed to have been moved from the old graveyard over which the school is located.
— Anne Tootill (@toot5000) December 16, 2024
The old Queenborough Cemetery, seen from a distance, around 1914. pic.twitter.com/6RWOy1GmpD
學校施工發現大量遺骸 已挖出1973具遺體
今年3月,這所學校在施工時發現大量遺骸,截至目前已挖出1973具遺體,並發現多層棺木堆疊的情況。歷史考古學家威廉斯(Brad Williams)表示,考古隊最初預計只有數百具遺體埋藏在學校地底,然而挖掘出的規模遠超預期。
'In 1964, the old cemetery site was taken over by the Hutchins School, as part of a sale and land-swap deal which stipulated council would fund the exhumation of up to 1,900 human remains.
— Margaret Hollingdale (@MargaretHollin1) December 15, 2024
That's where things get murky'
Mass exhumation https://t.co/VLYXtI0PM7 via @ABCaustralia
已識別約87%遺骸的身份 死者年齡從嬰兒至99歲不等
報導指,挖掘出的遺體已轉移到新棺木中,計劃於2025年1月重新安葬在荷巴特墓園(Cornelian Bay Cemetery)。屆時,當局將舉行公祭儀式,哈欽斯學校也承諾為所有死者建立新紀念碑,以表達對這段歷史的尊重。