美國紐約州新法《寵物繁殖場導正法案》(Puppy Mill Pipeline Act)15日正式生效,禁止寵物店販售狗狗、貓咪與兔子,違者將面臨最高1000美元罰款。
🎉 HISTORIC DAY FOR ANIMALS IN NY: NY is officially no longer a part of the puppy mill pipeline 🎉The NY Puppy Mill Pipeline Act, a law that ends the retail sale of cruelly bred dogs, cats, and rabbits was signed by @GovKathyHochul in December 2022 and went into effect yesterday! pic.twitter.com/Z8tG1j4l1I
— ASPCA (@ASPCA) December 16, 2024
紐約州新法正式上路 寵物店全面禁賣貓狗兔
據外媒報導,紐約州檢察長辦公室11月15日發布公文,提醒該法案將於12月15日開始執行。州長霍處(Kathy Hochul)2022年簽署通過此法案,原訂2023年生效,但為給受影響的繁殖場和寵物店充足的適應時間,將生效日期延後至2024年。同時,多數寵物店也在新法生效前紛紛降價出清動物庫存。
The wait is over! 🎉 My law with @SenGianaris to end the #PuppyMillPipeline is now in effect.
— Linda B. Rosenthal “the #OriginalRosenthal” (@LindaBRosenthal) December 15, 2024
As of today, 12/15/24, pet stores in NYS may no longer sell dogs, cats or rabbits.
This law brings us one step closer to ending the cruel puppy mill industry & will protect consumers. pic.twitter.com/eiW0vcFuTq
儘管這項法案受到動物保護團體支持,卻引發寵物業者的強烈反對。達萊西奧(Donald D'Allesio)是一位經營寵物店長達42年的業者,他表示過去的規定要求寵物店只能從持有A級許可證的繁殖場購買動物,但如今連合法來源也被禁止,直接斷絕了店家的生存空間。
UPDATE: The Puppy Mill Pipeline Act, a new law that bans licensed pet dealers with retail stores in NYS from selling dogs, cats and rabbits, went into effect today.https://t.co/1dYs0HYmif
— 13WHAM (@13WHAM) December 16, 2024
寵物業者:將導致約120家寵物店倒閉 2500名員工失業