據報導,蘋果預計6月舉行2025年WWDC開發者大會,有爆料指出將在大會中推出iOS 19。這將是自2013年iOS 7推出以來,時隔11年的最大更新。消息指iOS 19或為AirPods引入即時翻譯功能。
消息指iOS 19將為AirPods無線藍牙耳機引入即時翻譯功能
據消息人士透露,iOS 19將為AirPods無線藍牙耳機引入即時翻譯功能。這項功能將允許在即時面對面交談時將一種語言即時翻譯成另一種語言。例如,如果一位使用者說英語並聆聽另一人使用另一種語言交談,iPhone將利用AirPods自動將其翻譯成英文。同時,對方的iPhone也將即時將英語翻譯成另一種語言。
Already in September, AirPods will learn to translate foreign speech in real time.
— Albu Studio (@Albu_Studio) March 16, 2025
It will work like this: you put on headphones, the person you are talking to speaks to you in English (Chinese, German, ...) → in the headphones you hear everything in Russian.
It is not yet… pic.twitter.com/lTxdX3F4I5
蘋果去年為第二代AirPods Pro引入新的聽力健康功能
目前尚不清楚這項新功能是否僅適用於最新一代的AirPods Pro,或者蘋果是否會將舊款機型也納入支援範圍。去年,隨著iOS 18的推出,蘋果為第二代AirPods Pro引入了新的聽力健康功能。
Apple is adding a live translation feature to AirPods, allowing users to understand different languages in real time during conversations.
— Activewurld (@Activewurld_) March 16, 2025
Set to launch later this year with the iOS 19 update, this feature will work through the iPhone’s Translate app.
Apple is introducing… pic.twitter.com/dLY7MqvyZT
🎧 Apple to Bring Live Conversation Translation to AirPods:
— Cyrus (@Cyrus_In_The_X) March 14, 2025
A Bloomberg report says Apple is working on a real-time translation feature for AirPods, set to launch later in 2025 with iOS 19. Users will hear translations directly in their AirPods via iPhone processing.
This would… pic.twitter.com/tlt35kgB5D
