鍾麗淇於IG分享生日派對的照片,並寫道:「I will trust myself that I’m a worthy person to have received all this love, laughter and kindness. Leading my life with my heart and taking life as it comes has been my motto…and its brought me an array of emotions (inside out 2 spectrum of emotions ) but I know I’ve got this. Why? Because I have my family and friends that love me unconditionally…thank you to all of you for making my life so full of laughter, giggles and making it so darn beautiful. #emoBirthday #reallyfeelingLOVED #nardonefamily #foreverfriends #yogamom #lovingME #toloveyouallMORE #birthdayblessings(我相信自己,我是一個值得接受所有這些愛、歡笑和善意的人。用我的心引領我的生活,順其自然是我的座右銘……它給我帶來了一系列的情感(在兩種情感範圍內),但我知道我已經做到了。為什麼?因為我有無條件愛我的家人和朋友……謝謝你們所有人,讓我的生活充滿歡笑、咯咯笑,讓我的生活變得如此美麗。 #emoBirthday #reallyfeelingLOVED #nardonefamily #foreverfriends #yogamom #lovingME #toloveyouallMORE #birthdayblessings)」