這具遺骸於1960年代被發現,但直到2018年科學家重新檢測時才在其頭顱骨內發現了類似黑曜石但質地更脆弱的碎片。意大利拿坡里腓特烈二世大學的法醫人類學家佩特隆尼(Pier Paolo Petrone)和羅馬第三大學的火山學家喬達諾(Guido Giordano)根據他們於2020年確認的腦部玻璃化研究,進一步探究了這種罕見機制。
Scientists examining the remains of a man who died in bed in the ancient city of Herculaneum after Italy's Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD found dark fragments resembling obsidian inside his skull. The eruption somehow turned his brain into glass https://t.co/ocbY3TJhHI
The brain of a man who died nearly 2000 years ago was turned to glass by extreme conditions during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius pic.twitter.com/t3tC9rQ9g8